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Your mother is not going to get the level of homecare you claim in your profile that she needs for free. That is not going to happen.

My friend, there aren't any kidnappers. No one is trying to kidnap your mother

She has serious health problems and needs more care than she's receiving at home. You are obviously unwell yourself according to your profile and cannot give her the care she needs.
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From your profile:

"I am caring for my mother shirley, who is 85 years old with alzheimer's / dementia, anxiety, depression, hearing loss, incontinence, mobility problems, sleep disorder, and stroke.

Im 62 ive got oste arthritis the cartilage around my ribs tears at times so does around my knee I live at home with my mother she wants to die at home shes nowhere near death. hoping . i have no time of my own .few friends and family has tried to help out and they get in over there head and then they expect pay as much as a certified nurses assistant and such which we cannot afford my grandaughter would put and has put her in nursing home not expecting to pay out of pocket for the whole stay draing everyones bank account ..thats what were up aqgainst not being able to take care of mom at home while trying to find a plan that helps cover the cost of aids ive found some medicare just short of info come back different customer suppport ??start all over again get disconnected my mother helps help ..pls help"

Hmmm... your info from your profile doesn't help us figure out what you're asking in your posted question. It seems like your Mom doesn't have enough funds to pay for in-home care and that maybe family members don't think you are physically able to care for her. Sounds like you've been trying to get help to come in but can't pay them? No one is going to do it for free.

Maybe the "kidnappers" are just trying to get your Mom settled in a care situation that works for everyone concerned? Does she now have a court-appointed guardian? We really can't make sense of your information.
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Seek an attorney in your own area. We are merely a bunch of caregivers from around the world. There'd be no way for us to help you.
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Call a lawyer. There is nothing we can do to help. This is likely going to have a judicial process to fix.
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