
My father is in a care facility. He has been there 4 months. He complains about the food all the time and is now refusing to eat which is causing weight loss. I have eaten in the dining hall before when I visited in my option, the food is not bad. He wants food he is not supposed to have such as greasy, fatty foods. His nurse says he has also become obsessed with his weight but refuses snacks and etc. when they offer it. But he will eat snacks brought by me or his friends. My concern is the weight loss. He even told me that they told him that he might have to have a feeding tube. I checked with two of his nurses and they said they have not told him this.

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Appetite decreases with age. If your dad chooses not to eat you can either provide food he wants or he doesn’t eat. What happens if he eats food he’s not supposed to have? My thoughts are at 79 eat what you want. Enjoy the time you have left on this earth. And definitely no feeding tube!
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to Lizw90
mommabeans Feb 23, 2025
Ignore it . They all complain about the food . He will eat when he’s hungry . This hunger strike is his latest way to get your attention . Don’t discuss it with him . Leave snacks in his room on your way out . If he continues to lose weight they can try to give him an appetite stimulant or add/change an antidepressant that is also an appetite stimulant . His lie about a feeding tube is him trying to make you worry and bring him food everyday .

I think he is doing this on purpose to make you worry . He is a mentally ill abusive man . Don’t even get involved . If he wants to starve himself , let him . I have no patience for abusive manipulative people like your father . It’s his life , if he wants to starve , so be it .
Also alot of elderly slowly give up and don’t eat . Everyone leaves this world somehow . Either way it’s his choice to not eat.

My mother in her elder years also became the fast food queen . I brought it once a week . She got used to the food at AL , stopped complaining about it . Then as time went on , she admitted to not being very hungry anymore anyway, which is common as they get older .
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to waytomisery
faithfulbeauty Sep 26, 2024
I agree. I think he tries to get me worried which is awful. He has also said multiple times that he doesn’t feel well. He is on an appetite supplement and the nurse said they were going to increase it.
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Faithfulbeauty, I think maybe this isn't a control issue with your dad, but is just his body's way of slowing down. You say he has been in a care facilty for four months, so there must be a reason he is there. Is there expectation of him eventually going home?

My husband was at home, and ate less and less as his health deteriorated. I did not worry about whether the foods he chose to eat were good for him, I was just glad he ate something. His last day of eating, he ate four bites of the pizza he had requested, and was satisfied.

While the food in the dining hall may have been satisfactory to you, the older we get, the more salt we want to bring out the flavor, and I will bet that salt isn't even offered. So, while it may have tasted okay to you, he might find it very bland.

I wonder if he doesn't like to eat alone or with strangers, so when you or his friends bring him snacks, he eats them because he is with people he knows.

Just a few random thoughts.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to graygrammie
AlvaDeer Oct 1, 2024
I'm happy to see you here today, graygrammie!
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I am afraid this is just part of your Dad's overall reactions to aging, Faithful. It likely brings him the attention he craves.
It is true that the elderly eat less and sleep more, but Dad's obsession is likely more a part of his general aging and his reactions to being in care.
You know Dad, it's always SOMEthing.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer
faithfulbeauty Sep 26, 2024
@AlvaDeer ,I agree.
"He even told me that they told him that he might have to have a feeding tube. I checked with two of his nurses and they said they have not told him this."

Here's dad's attempt # 1,531 to snooker you into taking him home with you. By refusing to eat. So be it, dad. If you choose to starve yourself (totally doubtful), then there's nothing I can do to force you to eat.

I'd continue bringing him snacks, as usual, then ignore the blatant manipulation techniques.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to lealonnie1
faithfulbeauty Sep 28, 2024
Now he says he is eating again. As I said on an earlier reply, I have to let it go before I have a stroke or heart attack because he is never satisfied.
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I have to ask, why not let him have the fat, greasy food he does want to eat? The important thing is to get him eating and his quality of life. Just let him have whatever he wants to have (unless it hurts his health so severely that he truly can't have it because it will make him sick). My 89 year old mother now just wants junk food -- Taco Bell, Checkers cheeseburgers, and Dairy Queen. Guess what? I bring them to her and am happy she enjoys them. At their age, just let them have that quality of life and enjoy themselves with the food they do want to eat. Do anything to avoid that feeding tube -- that is a nightmare and will make him feel even worse about food and his weight. I sure hope he starts eating.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Jacquelinezr
ElizabethAR37 Oct 1, 2024
Your plan works for me. I still try to eat reasonably healthy foods, but what I WANT to eat (and it isn't always the healthiest!) wins out perhaps more often than it should. But what's the point here anyway? I'm 87 Y/O and in no danger of a "premature" death! I agree--no feeding tube.
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It is normal, please take the pressure off yourself, there is nothing you can do to change his mind
My dad just decided to dislike food one day, I was freaking out!
I decided to give him “milkshakes”
high calorie boost, frozen fruit, strawberry or orange syrup and a scoop of protein powder
it has kept his weight up and he likes them
In my opinion, give him what he wants, let him be happy
maybe ask him to eat or drink his calories during the week and on the weekend you could take him his guilty pleasure food
i know it’s hard not to worry and even lose sleep, there are a lot of hurdles to get through and some of them aren’t in our control
take care
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Trishbennie

My mom was like that and it got to the place that strawberry ice cream was something she could not say no to. After she got to eating that, we tried a bunch of things to get her to eat. Grilled cheese with tomato, peanut butter and Jelly, raisin bread toasted, She prefers finger food. THEN, we found she just isn’t interested in feeding herself. I guess it is too much work, so now she will eat what she wants at that time and her caregiver will sit and give her the rest of the meal by talking to her and feeding her. We have a TV over the table so mom will watch Golden Girls or something like that and finish all of her food. Then NapTime! She was never a picky eater but she is now. I also found that her mouth was sore (she has permanent dentures) and even though we clean them daily, she gets spot that are tender and keep her from wanting to eat. Ora gel on a q tip was helpful.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Tandemfun4us

Rule #1
Limiting any foods when weight loss is of a major concern is just a mistake. What’s the medical diet prescription from the MD? Why are greasy fatty foods limited? Is it a medical issue? The difference between vegetable fats and saturated fats is a wide range. As a dietitian for the aged population, calories do matter. Give the patient foods they enjoy. Dessert first if calories matter! Patients need choices! Special diets can be refused in an institutional setting, but can be documented in the record. Hospital and nursing homes do not produce appetizing options most of the time. Give this patient what he wants. Stop all the little control measures. Autonomy is a right for any patient.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Discovery1

faithfulbeauty, I know this is going to be an odd question, but what kind of toothpaste is your Dad using?

Years ago I was using a "whitening" toothpaste and after a week or so I noticed food didn't taste good anymore. That worried me, so I tried to think back if I didn't anything different. Then had a light bulb moment - the whitening toothpaste.

I stopped using that toothpaste and went back to my regular, after a week my taste buds were back to normal... whew !! Who knows, maybe it is something as simple as toothpaste, mouthwash, Tums, liquid medicine, etc.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to freqflyer
graygrammie Oct 1, 2024
Oh my goodness, I just had a lightbulb moment. My mouth has been awful for months and I was going to bring it up with my doctor at my next appointment. My husband went in the hospital 9/8 and I started using our bathroom again instead of the family bathroom. In the family bathroom, I was using a new whitening toothpaste. In the main bathroom, it was the toothpaste we have used for years. About three days into my husband being in the hospital, I noticed my mouth was better, no more strange taste, no more brown tongue. Thank you for solving the mystery!
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