
My fiancée comes everyday to visit me and last month we both witnessed an elderly man being abused and I did make a report and also contacted the state. Ever since then I'm being referred to as a snitch. Now every other week there making a new rule for my fiancée (A visitor). First week was we have to have visits in the dining room not in my room. My roommate gets out for breakfast and returns after dinner. Next we can no longer eat in the dining room when he brings me something. What's next he can't visit me anymore. He is on my list that he can take me out on passes and he does escort me to doctor appointments and I'm feeling we're being targeted against. I've asked for these conditions in writing and I'm told they don't need to do that. Any information to handle this would be greatly appreciated.

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Contact the Ombudsman for your facility ASAP. If you don't know who that is call the NY State Office of Ombudsmen at 1-800-342-9871.
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Hope you post a followup so we know you're OK!
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I second the ombudsman. We had one help my mom at her nursing home and they really do help.
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A nursing home is considered the residents home. You have rights and they have booklets with these rights. I agree, report it.
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Call yor obudsman.This is your home .And they are getting payed yo do a job.Dont give up make that call i think it will truley help.And im happy to know you made a report about the abuse that was being done theremore people should do that it needs to stop I'm very proud of you let me know how things go you hang in there and do what you need to do now
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