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Is on on meds that cause constipation?

What have you tried so far that isn't working?
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Reply to Geaton777

We need more information:
What discussion have you have with the doctor about this?
What has been tried, and not worked?

Meanwhile I will give you my own go-tos for a try.
Stool Softeners are available over the country and worth a try.
Citrucel works well but ONLY if your loved one can tolerate taking FLUID required. Otherwise the gel-glucinagenous stuff hardens into a block of gel. Don't use metamucil which digests differently and which can lead to gas buildup and explosive stools difficult to hang on to.

Some folks swear that melatonin 5 mg helps with gut issues and there's new research that it may for those with any IBS problems.

Good luck.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Constipation can mean different things to different people and what you do about it depends on your definition. If he has hard, dry feces that he struggles to expel then all the normal things advised like increased fluid intake, more fiber in his diet and OTC stool softeners should make a difference. (we found PEG 3350 (miralax) a miracle drug)

If the problem is more that he has reasonably normal BMs but he doesn't go for 2, 3, 5 days (or longer) then know that gut dysfunction goes with Parkinson's and slow transit colon is common. In that case my advice is to follow all the normal recommendations about diet and try not to over obsess about frequency, no matter how many people try to tell you what is "normal".

Bowel dysfunction is something I am intimately familiar with as my mother struggled also, if you have specific questions just ask!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to cwillie

You've got great advice from other posters. I will add to Geaton's post that we did an inventory of my FIL's medications because he struggled with constipation as well as urinary incontinence.

What we found was slightly alarming. First he was on an astronomical number of medications if I'm honest. And at least 50% of them had constipation as a side effect. He also abused harder laxatives and his doctor recommended Miralax and the removal of any other laxative products entirely. And there were even medications that he was SUPPOSED to take at different times to help control his urinary output. He was supposed to take one that would control his urination at night and another that encouraged urination during the day. Before my SIL took over control of his medications - he was EITHER taking BOTH together (??) or taking them at the wrong times.

Medication interactions are a huge culprit of constipation for anyone. But if gut health has slowed and they are on medications that can slow things down even more, that's a recipe for disaster without some help.
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Reply to BlueEyedGirl94

Husband has similar problem. After evaluating meds, try Miralax every other day or half dose.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to BLG2024

I am constantly dealing with this problem with my dh. One of the problems is, I find something that works and in a couple of weeks it doesn’t work anymore. He sometimes goes a week without having a bm. It is a constant cause of stress for me.
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Reply to Annanell

There are plenty of products on the market. Some over the counter, some prescription.
Some of the OTC products:
Smooth Move Tea. A tea that is Senna based
Senna a natural laxative
Magnesium Citrate a supplement that can help
Miralax (If he is using any product that thickens liquids this will not work in a thickened liquid as it will thin the liquid so it has to be mixed in food)
A puree of Pineapple and Papaya (I would puree both and mix them then freeze the puree and give my husband a portion)
Any of these should be discussed with his doctor or pharmacist if he is taking any prescription medication.
Discuss the constipation with his doctor there are very effective prescription products.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Grandma1954

When my sister had cancer she was told by a helpful nurse to "dig it out." She picked up surgical gloves from Costco, and that's what she did. This method isn't for everyone, but it brought her a lot of relief.
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Reply to Jhenegg4

If he has a stool blockage at the opening but the lstool is soft after the hard block is removed, try using glncerin suppositiries to soften the blockage. Put it in and have him sit for awhile until it disolves and then see if the blockage comes out. And there's still Fleet single use enemas. If he's sitting a lot, he will get a hard blockage even with a laxative and it will have to be removed GENTLY and may have to be a daily warm enema. You can use a large syringe bulb and warm water, Only takes a few minutes but have him use a pad or soft wash cloths in his underwear to catch dribbles.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to anna739

I found a solution with fiber gummies. My Mom has to take her pills crushed due to trouble swallowing with Alzheimer's. She takes a gummy to chew until liquid twice a day after her crushed pills.

I buy hers from Amazon so they come directly to the door. 4 grams of fiber per gummy. I was able to stop laxatives so she was no longer dependent on them. I also buy whole grain bread for her sandwiches and fruit she likes to give her more fiber.

The Amazon Basics fiber gummies cost less than $12 for a bottle of 90 pieces. Often you can get them cheaper buying multiple bottles. I hope this helps!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to michellefreeze
MissesJ Feb 7, 2025
I would hesitate to offer an infirm person gummies, as they are a chocking hazard.
Mom was on ducolax for about a year. When she moved with me I changed her diet, added a few teaspoons of prune juice in beverages to get her stool moving, she ate more fresh fruits, veggies and sometimes a 1/2 can of Olipop prebiotic soda. Olipop works very well alone and is like a treat drink.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Theonlyone1
MissesJ Feb 7, 2025
Add to that some plain Greek yoghurt (no sugar) and ither natural, fermented foods.
Miralax worked in our household.
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Reply to gmcwannabe

Bremtero: You can garner a lot of knowledge by visiting and in particular gastroparesis.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Llamalover47

A good pro-biotic with pre-biotic and Miralax. My mother's gastro recommended them. Check to be sure there is no blockage (gastro checkup/colonoscopy) to be on the safe side. My mom was also given Cholestyramine mixed with water each day to prevent blockage.
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Reply to Caring4Mom2018

My husband has done well on Miralax Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; 3/4 c prune juice on the other nights, 2 Metamucil fiber thin wafers once a day
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JLLand

My husband has Parkinson's. Diagnosed almost 9 years ago. He has horrible constipation since he's bed-bound and can't really push any more.
He takes Miralax daily and Sennasides pills up to twice daily. This keeps his stool soft and helps contract his colon.
His neurologist explained that since Parkinson's affects muscles, the colon is affected.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to JanPeck123
JanPeck123 Jan 17, 2025
I wanted to post an update. Ocean Spray cranberry apple juice is working very well for my husband now. He doesn't need miralax or sennosides any more.
See 1 more reply
My husband has Parkinson’s as well, diagnosed in 2015 but unofficially few years before.
Parkinson and gut issues are common.
And I believe PD meds cause constipation as well.
He takes lax a day powder with warm glass of water first thing in the morning as per dr needs that for the rest of his life.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Evamar

Does h
e like sauerkraut? When I was pregnant it worked like a charm.
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Reply to Ginnyssister

Milk of Magnesia. I give it to my mother in the evening before bed when she hasn't had a bowel movement after 2 days. It works.

Her doctor had recommended MiraLax back in 2020, which was terrible. (I think that all docs recommend Mira Lax.). It's polyethylene glycol which is a polymer based petroleum-derivative which is an ingredient in anti-freeze. Look it up - it's all on the internet.

I dutifully gave it to her every morning and over time she began to sundown like nobody's business. I'm talking delusions and anxiety off the chain. The only thing I could figure was the MiraLax so I stopped giving it to her and turned to good old Milk of Magnesia.

And lo and behold, all of the sundowning and delusions ceased after about 3 months. It took that long to get out of her system. And yes MiraLax works, but the side effects in my mother were horrible.

That's my experience. I think it should be banned.

Here is the FDA's website stating that MiraLax can cause "neuropsychiatric events".
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to southiebella

Apples are naturally good for natural bowel movements; the pectin/fiber can work like a charm and taste far better than the products on the shelf. Raw, cut into pieces, bitten off the apple if the person can bite/chew well, or even shredded. One or two medium size a day.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Santalynn

We have tried many things, but Linzess works pretty well. Sometimes we have to supplement with Miralax. Walking helps.
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Reply to sbartolone

My dad has colon cancer so not really the same but he has miralax in apple juice every morning.
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Reply to Calcifer94

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