
But Its been 14 yeras of my marriage , He just takes out money for food and daily needs . Children education and other expenses are covered from my salary. I am bothered since every body is growing in jobs and business , my husband is not at all withdrawing money and now after 2 years the other partner son will also join the business. My question is Then also business will give him salary but why not now it can't be withdrawn.

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I'm wondering if this is how it's always worked with you and your husband. Has it always been your money that went to education, or is this a new thing? If this is how it's been all along, then it's you who has changed the rules and there needs to be a discussion between the two of you about that. Get the communication going between you and your husband.
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This sounds like a question for a CPA. There are many variables. Good luck with your challenges.
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