I am power of attorney both finances and health. She is 93 and has become a threat to herself and my family. She has episodes of hallucinations and delusions of hearing ppl that are not here. She becomes violent swinging her cane around cussing. She refuses to take meds prescribed to her or she will act like she takes them and as soon as I walk out spits them back out. I am the only one she will let do anything. I am with her or on guard 24-7. This is about to kill me. They told us we had to declare her incompetent or fill guardianship. My siblings are all in agreement she needs more care than I can possibly do. I was just wondering if anyone tell me the fastest easiest way before she kills my family? Thank u
With my GFs father he was transported to a Psychiatric hospital for evaluation. He was there until the correct meds were found for him and then transported to a MC facility. I doubt a facility will take her as long as she has this problem. They need to protect the other residents.
Her present behavior - is it recent or has she always been a loud bossy angry person?
Does she have periods of calm? Is she more peaceful during the day and more difficult in late afternoon? Evening/night?
What are her medications for? What chronic or long term or new illnesses s she living with?
Your goal is to get someone with geriatric medical experience in to see her without delay. Contact the doctor who prescribes her meds or see if you have a local VISITING NURSE service or contact your local or county board of health and ask for recommendations.
If you are near an Assisted Living residence or Nursing Home or Skilled Nursing facility, contact them and ask for a recommendation. Talk to the social worker. Refer to her situation as a potential emergency when you speak to social workers.
If you have a church connection talk to a priest, minister, or rabbi about finding someone to help you.
Until you access someone from outside the family to see her, write down EVERY EPISODE THAT OCCURS. Just indicate what SHE DOES, don’t talk about how it feels to you. Her ACTIONS ARE WHAT MATTER, NOT WHAT SHE SAYS
Many of us have felt as frustrated and helpless as you do now. . . you need resources to keep ALL of you SAFE AND AT PEACE. DON’T GIVE UP. HER safety is important, and YOUR SAFETY AND COMFORT AND WELL BEING ARE IMPORTANT TOO.
If your PoA is durable, you can act without a diagnosis (as I understand what durable means). Pick a facility that has MC and accepts Medicaid and if necessary, tell a therapeutic fib to get her there. If she gets violent or makes threats in your home before this, call 911 and they will take her to the hospital. Have her released directly into a facility. I wish you all the best as you work through this challenge!