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Talk with a doctor who specializes in geriatric medicine. There may be medications for your mom that immediately control it.
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My mom's tremors were greatly improved by the BP medicine propranolol.
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There is also the surgical procedure called Deep Brain Stimulation or DBS. Get a referral to a neurologist who handles movement disorders. Also you can contact the Essential Tremor organization for informational material, online resources and support groups.
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I believe there are some medications out there that are supposed to help with them, but they never worked for my husband who had essential tremors for the last 10 years or so of his life. I never understood why they were called "essential" when they're anything but.
They make special silverware and sippy type cups that may help her eat and drink better. My husband just drank out of a 32 0z. thermos every day so I didn't have to worry about him spilling his drink. Also on days when my husband's tremors were real bad(as some days were better than others)I would just have to feed him so he didn't make a big mess.
Your mom should over time get used to them, and learn to adjust, and hopefully the medication will help her.
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