
He has dementia but don't know how bad. I know some things he says are true. So he must still have some of his mind working. I still let him make some choices only on certain things and I was told I was wrong?

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When do people start to notice dementia in others? Is it very gradual or does it happen at a more rapid pace?
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When my MIL was living alone (6 miles from us) I'd call her every day and ask how it's going and does she have enough food, what'd she eat that day, etc. Come to find out she had rotting food in her fridge and no signs that she'd been eating anything. She had short-term memory decline. She *thought* she had eaten that day and even gave me a detail of what it was, when I pressed her. Not remembering to eat meant she had to have care all the time even though she was healthy and mobile. Your friend won't know what is true, what is recent, what is accurate. He needs to get onto the radar of social services before things get bad for him. And you can call them anonymously. He may not like it but honestly, there's no other option for someone without family and finances. It's no longer about what he "likes". His needs will only increase, then what will you do? You won't be able to care for him 24/7. In a NH he will be safe, be with people and be cared for. That's as much as you can expect in some instances, like his. Bless you for caring about him!
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I know an eccentric old woman. She is a friend’s mom. I am beginning to wonder if dementia is settling in or she just believes her own BS because she swears her dreams are visions. Here’s the thing. The woman has NO special gifts. She says crazy stuff like she saw her soul leave her body and go through the closed front door.

She claims she can heal others by touching them. She got upset when touching my forehead that my headache was still there.

She drives my friend nuts! My friend makes appointments with the psychiatrist for her. She either lies to her doctor or cancels appointments.

That is fascinating to me that you said their dreams become a reality. That is exactly what she does but she has believed things even when she was young. Some people do have premonitions but she doesn’t. She predicts the wrong thing a bazillion times.

She is very superstitious too. Could dementia make eccentric people even more eccentric? Just wondering...
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Demenitia has no rhyme or reason. Its not really "lying" it now his reality. With my Mom, dreams and TV became part of her reality. She would dream or see something on TV and think it happened to her. They can no longer differentiate between the 3. Yes, he will remember some things and not others. Short-term goes first then longterm. Reasoning, comprehension and comphehending go within the first stage. They can no longer feel empathy. And giving them choices sometimes is not worth it. We took Mom out to dinner alot. I would just order what I knew she liked. (Taste and smell are effected too).

What are u allowing him to make choices about?

Another thing, they become like small children and thats how u may need to treat them. With respect and knowing that they will not learn or understand consequences.
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calicokat Dec 2019
Thank you for mentioning Empathy going -- I hadn't connected that dot. I've been trying to figure out if MIL was always Narcisitic and self centered and I'd just not noticed it, or if it was a new development in old age, or since the stroke? Now I know it's probably part of the Dementia -- now it makes sense (still hurts sometimes, but at least it makes sense LOL)
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