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Tell your husband that this is not working out and that his mother has to leave . Her temporary stay is expired . She has taken over your home , marriage , family life . She either goes home or to assisted living .

Why is he afraid of her ? If he’s uncomfortable why hasn’t he told her to leave ? It was a temporary arrangement , so it should not be a shock that it’s time she goes . You and your child should be his priority . Go to marriage counseling . Your husband needs a reality check .
Also your MIL is in YOUR home . She does not dictate how things are done . Tell her that .
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to waytomisery
MargaretMcKen Aug 29, 2024
I think action on MIL is easier on the marriage than expecting the leopard Husband to change his spots.
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I would start by calling out your husband, and tell him that you're aware that he's purposely staying at work longer because he doesn't want to come home to face his mother and the stress she's causing, and that you agree and wish that you could stay away longer as well, except you have a 9 year old son that needs you at home.
It's past time for a "come to Jesus" meeting with your husband and MIL, and set a time frame that your MIL will either go back home, with paid(by her)in-home help, or in an assisted living.
This is so very unfair to your young son, and your husband now has to put on his big boy pants and stand up for his wife and child and get his mother out.
And if he doesn't....well that's a whole other story, and separation/divorce may have to be the next step.
I do hope that your husband will be man enough to do what is right by you and your son.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Medicare may cover social worker help. If you or your husband can bring one in through your MIL's physician, I'd get on that pronto.

It's time for her to go back home or into Assisted Living. This situation has to end very soon.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Sha1911
Sadiesue23 Aug 29, 2024
Thank you! I am going to look into the social worker with her Medicare and see if I can come up with something. Thank you so much.
You need to have a serious conversation with your husband. It is not going to be easy because he is already trying to hide from the entire situation with work. Tell him you agreed to temporary and this is no longer temporary so what is the end date? Tell him either he needs to stand up and tell mom she needs to return home, or you will and you might not be nice about it. Give him a week to decide who delivers the should do it together but we all know that probably won't happen. Own being the bad guy. This is for your son. Next time she oversteps a boundary or upsets your son, lay into her and lay into her hard. But be prepared that your husband may let you down and take mom's side. You will have to be prepared to walk away.
Helpful Answer (15)
Reply to lkdrymom
Sadiesue23 Aug 29, 2024
Thank you so much for the advice. I've made myself sick today about it. I appreciate it more than you know.
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