
My husband would normally be mortified to know he wants to kiss or hug every woman that will talk to him.

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Are you sure it's only kissing and hugging? Is he trying to feel up these women? I'm asking because it would be awful if he ends up facing a charge for sexual assault.
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You don't give us much to go on Mazyme1, nor have you filled out your profile, but I can only venture to guess that your husband now has some form of dementia and he hasn't a clue that is what he's doing.
Your husbands brain is now permanently broken and will never get better, so it is you that will have to adjust to these new and different behaviors.
You may just want to give these women a heads up about your husbands dementia, so they don't haul off and hit him when he's being inappropriate.
Most people when they know that someone has dementia will be very understanding and patient with them, but they must be told a head of time.
I wish you well as you take this very difficult journey with your husband.
Helpful Answer (2)

If you are on this forum at all you will understand that in the case of dementia there is often some hypersexuality. I would discuss this with his doctor as in some cases medication can be suggested. Meanwhile anyone near him should be warned and told to stop him in no uncertain terms.
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