
She has physically attacked me numerous times law enforcement has been out twice now she has been treated by her psychiatrist for over 30 years i have power of attorney papers yet he refuses to work with me at all he has not seen her in person since before the pandemic in 2020 recently took her off a medication that she has been on for 30 plus years because she said she wanted to stop taking it with no in person evaluation what can i do

If your Mom has Dementia no Phychiatrist is going to be able to help her. She will not be able to respond to treatment. She is violent. She needs meds to help with that and now time for Long-term care with Medicaid andvher SS footing the bill.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29

When it comes to getting physical with no cop help, the only solution is to document to aps that you are leaving. Which you definitely should.
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Reply to PeggySue2020

Who is ‘he’? The psychiatrist? Has your mother executed the POA in your favor (signed it, with witnesses etc as per local requirements)? If you only have the form, it’s of no value. If this has been going on for 30 years since your mother was 35, you must have had more doctors than this. Perhaps your M needs a new psych? Perhaps you need to live separately? There must be more to this story, surely?
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Reply to MargaretMcKen

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