
I am multi handicapped and I am just 30 years old can you help with my search.

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Friends, family, and caregivers are great sources of information. People are usually pretty happy to be asked their opinion. Keep in mind that someone else's experience may not match your own as the care goals might be entirely different for each person's situation, but gathering thoughts from people in your own circle who know you will be a great starting place. Those people would know the area where you live and what's good and bad about what's available.
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I would call your Office of Aging. Maybe they can help find you something more suitable to your age. Your County should also have a Disabilities dept. Maybe they can help find something where the residents are closer to your age.

My nephew has several handicaps. Scoliosis with 4 rods in his back. Joint contractual problems and a Neurological problem are the main things. But what got him help from the State was he has Cerebal Palsy on his left side. So make sure you mention every little thing.
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