
APS is investigating me for financial exploitation and neglect that never happened. They didn't give details on who reported or anything. I'm confused because I quit 9/11 and the complaint began 9/26. Any advice is helpful.

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I have been on Forum for over 5 years. I was an RN for many more. The complaint most seen and most heard about APS is that they "REFUSE to do ANYTHING" and are worthless.

If APS is opening a case here I believe that THEY believe they have good evidence of "cause".
If you are innocent then that will be quite simple to prove, I would think. Be open and honest with them. This will, if your are innocent of wrong doing, go away quite quickly without evidence and with your cooperation.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

People Pull the APS card Often to be malicious . If They Investigate you they come to your House ask a ton Of questions . Be Honest . People do this Often Out of spite .
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to KNance72
BurntCaregiver Dec 1, 2024

APS is investigating the OP personally and wants her to turn over financial records and neglect. She was agency-employed and should not have had access to any client's finances or financial records. APS must have some reason to believe she has or had access to these thngs and exploited the elder's finances. APS is also investigating her (not her former agency) for neglecting the client's care needs.

Usually APS comes after the homecare agency and the homecare agency fires the caregiver immediately. The OP quit. This sounds very fishy to me.
See 2 more replies
If you handled your client's credit card for groceries, someone could be suspicious about some of the charges. Not saying it is fair, but when you hand someone your credit card to shop, there is always room for abuse, adding items for yourself to the basket. Not sure how they can prove it, unless it was something obvious like a gift card. I would ask your former agency about it to find out what you can and if you need a lawyer.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to ShirleyDot
lkdrymom Dec 1, 2024
My coworker did prove the carer was adding her stuff to the grocery list but the authorities said it wasn’t worth prosecuting. She spoke with the agency about it but other than assigning someone else to her mom nothing was done
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Were you a private aide? Why did you quit?

Really, a little more info would be nice. If they request, you can give but I am with Burnt that they need a warrant and then that would be given to the bank.

Someone is mad that you quit. Anyone could make a claim. APSs job is to investigate the claim.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29
savnicole1970 Nov 30, 2024
I quit due to lack of hours and i was simply offered a better position with reliable hours. As I am a single mom, that is what I needed. I also had no respect for the company as there were certain clients that needed 24 hour care and they were getting maybe 3-5 hours of care. I worked for a home care company.
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They have no right to investigate anyone's finances unless the person is in facility care and the bill is not getting paid.

Don't be afraid of these people. I myself have been on their radar. If they want to come into your home and look around and start inspecting financial records tell them to get a warrant. If you haven't done anything illegal or wrong, you don't have to bow down to these people and you don't have to fear them.

Talk to a lawyer. The first consultation is free.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to BurntCaregiver

Simply invite them in the door and tell them that your home, your records, your accounts are open to them and you will cooperate with them fully.
You will not be told who reported you. Could be ANYONE. So that's a question you do not ask. You tell me, if you say anything, that you can't imagine who might have reported you, or what personal grudge they have, but that APS may examine EVERYTHING and make their own judgement.

When we give care and manage finances we should do it meticulously with scrupulously done records, with the thought in our head that at a second notice they may need to stand up in court and you need to be PROUD of them. Same about your home and your loved one.

Offer coffee, tea or milk.
Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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