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You are sort of in the wrong place. This is a forum of Caregivers from all over the US and other countries.

I live South of you. You may need to get out of Trenton and go south where cost of living may be cheaper. We have a low income apt complex that I know people from as far as Newark have been brought down here to live. What you need to do is see your County Social Services. It seems Trenton is also the County seat. You need to ask about housing vouchers. Maybe they have a list of low income housing. If you can't get to them, ask if they can come to you. I would start there and if nothing, try Office of Aging and Disabilities (thats what it is called in my County).

There are other resources you maybe entitled to.
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If you are able to pay, look for places on Craigslist, facebook, and zillow. If you are not able to pay, contact your state's office for social services.

Are you only looking for a place to stay for yourself, or are you also looking for a place for you and the person you are giving care to?

Either way, I'd start with your state's office for social services and someone can help you navigate the many groups who might be able to help you with your different needs.
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Are you an older person? Have you contacted your local Area Agency on Aging?
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