
My Brother doesn’t answer the phone. I don’t have any more family in Brooklyn NY. My Mother has some initial stages of Dementia. I hired a very bad Lawyer when she was in a Rehab facility and she told the court appointed lawyer she did not want to go to Atlanta where I live . I called APS and the said everything is okay , but of course my Brother is feeding her answers . I am trying to see if there is a specific lawyer that can handle this . My question is what are my other options? We have no contact with her he doesn’t answer the phone, he prevents me from seeing my mother.

I think that if you wrote brother and told him:

"I recognize and accept that you are now mom's guardian, and I will make no attempts ever to change that fact. I ask you to allow me to visit and talk to my mom in her last time here on earth. In fact, I beg this of you and will allow you to monitor any calls, letters and visits personally. I will help you with cost and care if I am able.

I think brother would likely allow you to see your mother.
However, that said, the courts are done with this. Your mom had an attorney. This is over. Your getting another attorney may well get you a "stay-away" or restraining order from brother. And will certainly be a waste of your money.

I would say the ball is in your court and it is your decision. This would be my guess/advice for best outcome. You are a grown adult who is very capable of making her own decision here, and I would be the first to honor your right to do so.
As things stand I do not see a legal option here other than enriching and stuffing the pockets of yet another attorney.

I do wish you the best. There is nothing I have less patience with than bickering siblings warring over the body of a still living parent. It is the last cruelty that can be done to a parent, IMHO, so I ask your forgiveness if my answer shows any impatience with your query. I DO wish what's best and happiest for your Mom.
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lealonnie1 13 hours ago
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