I lived in a vacant mobile home beside my parent's that was owned by my sister so my parents would have me nearby to provide care. Now SS and SSI is taking one third of my check (have been for 12 years). Is that considered free rent? I paid all utilities at my dwelling. Should that be considered free?
Social Security is yours because you paid into it. They could care less about you living free or not. But SSI is supplimental income and they have the right to make changes according to your living situation.
There's apparently some tax thing being filed by someone?
Some elder care contract?
SOMEhow and SOME way this is being filed as income?
I haven't a clue what's going on?
I would consult an elder law attorney, because what you are saying doesn't sound right to me.
I would need a lot more details about just WHY SS has reduced your funds simply because you are currently staying, with her permission, in a home belonging you your sister.
Do seek expert help from an elder law attorney. Unfortunately complicated legal and financial questions require an expert.
Best of luck to you.
From what I just read, Federal agencies can garnish SS.
"Yes, the Social Security Administration (SSA) can withhold Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits to recover an overpayment."
You really need to talk to a Social Services caseworker to find out what is going on. I would think you received a letter explaining why the deduction.
Not knowing your history, we really cannot give you an explaination why deductions are being made. You need to contact Social Security and Social services to answer your question. If you can, update us on what you find out.