
My husband had a ruptured abdominal aneurism 30 days ago. My hubby has no insurance and it's pending Medicaid/Medicare, only 1 facility out 15 would accept him. After checking it out we discovered it was just shut down 3 months ago for abuse and neglect. I mentioned it to the case manager at the hospital that it's not a good facility and I really don't want him to go there. She keeps saying I have no choice and that we need to give them them 30 to 32 days after which I can relocate him when approved. I would take him home tomorrow but I'm going through chemo right now. He's making progress at the hospital but they are adamant that he be discharged any day now. I'm so confused and so stressed. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you

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Is he going for Skilled Nursing or for Rehab to get his strength back. Just physical therapy.

Just curious, if husband is 65 or older why does he not already have Medicare? He is not able to get it sooner unless on Social Security disability. Hopefully, he will get Medicaid and they will retro back his care.
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OMG this has to be so terrifying for you.
I can only say that I cannot at present see what choice you have.
You have a lot of information. That is power. You have the right to express your concern and WHY you are concerned, and being the squeaking wheel in this I think they may wish to "get rid of you" by moving him on. Meanwhile you do know.
We none of us, including you, can know the details here. This is however, a problem.
Clearly this facility got "dinged".
They had something that called their license into question.
Now, as they are ABLE to accept new patients, their license is reinstated, but you are still seeing the problems that caused the questions in the first place.

If this facility is
A) operating
B) licensed to operate
I don't see how you can refuse it.
You can certain watch and question, but if they are currently a licensed operation for rehab in this are then they ARE, and patients can be placed there.

You can place your loved one anywhere you wish to if you can afford the 1,000 plus daily fees to have them there. But if you cannot, and if your loved one has an order of transfer to a duly licensed operating facility, that --------------FORTUNATLEY or UNFORTUNTELEY is the case.

Lordy. I wish you the best of luck. Continue to be the squeaky wheel. Let them know that you already "KNOW THE HISTORY" and are ready to report any breach in care.
That will--trust me--scare the $h_t out of them.

Sorry. This is so difficult to negotiate. I think everyone needs a patient care advocate at their side. It just doesn't happen. We are on our own.
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