
Recently my husband has been admitted to VA Nursing Home. I have had life changing events in the last three years. I had breast cancer with a mastectomy. Included chemo and radiation. I think I must have chemo brain. Having someone to help clean 3 or 4 hours a day in a week and keep me focus would be greatly appreciated.

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I would work through an agency, since they will vet the aids and be responsible for their performance. They will also provide subs.

Have you considered downsizing and moving yourself into a care community with increasing levels of care for when you will eventually need it?

Have you designated a PoA to help you manage your financial and medical affairs and make decisions in your own best interests when you eventually need it? If you don't do this you will eventually become the ward of a court-assigned legal guardian.
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Elder services or The VA should help you get a cleaner .
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We are not an employment agency. Just a forum of Caregivers that take care of LOs. Call your local Office of Aging. What your locking for is a Home Health Aide.
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