
Needing general idea of hourly rates for 10-12 hour overnite help so I can proceed researching for right option and company whether private or not.

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You and the care company really, really, really need to meet with a representative. Costs will vary depending on the type of care needs. For example: a simple sitter, someone to bathe and help with medication assistance. This is what will make it difficult to give an actual quote through email. I think given enough time without getting email responses, you will rally around to doing the phone call.
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Certain things need to be spoken about and not emailed or texted about.
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I'm assuming that these agencies need to talk with you first to get more information about the condition of the person who needs in-home care before giving you a price quote. Depending on the severity of the illness/disability and care requirements, the agency needs to look at their staffing to see if anyone is available who has the ability to cover your needs.

Talking directly with the agency or the caregiver (if you're not using an agency) by phone is the appropriate next step.

Also, be sure to read in-depth online reviews about the agency, including google reviews and the Better Business Bureau.

Good luck with this,
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