
Husband had stroke is paralyzed on left side fell and fractured his left arm and left femur/hip ~ has been in rehab for hip surgery 3 weeks being released Wednesday and is a double assist for 5 more weeks ~ I have no help ~ all they tell me is I have to get him somehow ~ I now have covid and am very sick and I'm still told that's my problem they will drop him at home ~ if I'm in hospital with covid what are my options

You need to tell him you are ill and cannot care for him and dropping him home is an UNSAFE DISCHARGE and that he will be sent at once to ER per ambulance if they do this.

NOW, the problem here is something other. Covid will pass. But the problem remains. If you aren't able to care for him he needs placement. And it is far into the game to come to this conclusion because discharge planning starts on day one of rehab. So you need to be honest if he isn't able to return home, whether permanently or temporarily.

Do know that Medicare will stop paying the rehab. If he does remain there the bills will you YOURS and they will be HUGE. So you have a serious problem late in the game and need to speak to social workers there on Monday morning.

Hope you get well and are taking the Pax.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Lmicjac Dec 8, 2024
since day 1 I've asked for help to place him I was told let's see how rehab goes Ive cared for him for 3 years 1 heartattack 2 strokes he is paralyzed on left side from stroke this past Feb. He fell 3 weeks ago being impulsive when I left him to go to bathroom he attempted to get up and fell. I'm exhausted i suffer from manic depression we have no family no resources except disability/Medicare now I'm sick being admitted to hospital for covid and my depression has put me in a bad state of mind where im tired of this world. I was just told it's my problem to take care of him come Wednesday ~ I am not smart enough to know what to do or how to get help ~ and no one cares only he used up his 21 days in rehab he is my problem now ~ I need to know how to make sure he is taken care of if you have any suggestions
See 2 more replies
If you were not ill can you SAFELY care for him?
Are you planning on hiring a caregiver to help for the next month and a half?
At this point you tell the facility that you can not care for him that you are ill.
If they were to "drop him at home" you can call 911 and ask for him to be transported to the hospital.

It is time that you are honest with yourself...will you be able to care for him yourself. Not just for the next 6 weeks but for the next X number of years?
If you intend on caring for him at home ask the doctor to write orders for equipment that will enable you to care for him safely at home.
A Hoyer Lift is a safe piece of equipment to use, typically it should be used with 2 people but can be operated by 1 in a home setting. Trust me it is a game changer when caring for some one that has limited strength, mobility and may be bedbound.
If this is not something that you can manage yourself a caregiver will be a blessing not just with the extra help but by allowing you to get out a bit knowing he is safe with someone else at home. Alternative is looking for a facility that can care for him. Probably Skilled Nursing since he would be a 2 person transfer and SNF have the ability to use equipment that other facilities can not use.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Grandma1954

No! Do not take him home! Do not pick him up. If they drop him off at home, call 911 immediately and have him transported to the hospital. In the meantime, call APS and tell them you are sick and in no way capable of handling the caregiving requirements. You are going to have to be firm and strong, but don’t give in!
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to mstrbill

How are you feeling?
Hoping you will update us on all of this.
Thinking of you.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to AlvaDeer

A 2 person lift spells SNF care. You need to claim unsafe discharge. The social worker will help with Medicaid application.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to MACinCT

I agree with MACinCT that your husband is an unsafe discharge.
Your husband should go into a facility for his care since he had a stroke. Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon. I would like to see updates from you as soon as you feel better.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Patathome01

Lmicjac: This should be noted to the hospital that it would be an unsafe discharge to home.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Llamalover47

Why do we have to take him back home? Put him in a nursing home where he can be cared for on a long term basis. I have covid right now. My husband was in the hospital 5 days with Covid & pneumonia. The doctor sent him home today on steroids & antibiotics. He is a paraplegic & can do nothing for himself. He has tremors & can't even hold a cup to drink soup. I asked the doctor to hold him two more days to give me a break & he said my husband would be fine at home.
He is sleeping and I wake him to take meds. I'm exhausted, mad and over everything. I'm on 2 depression meds & it doesn't help my anger towards my husband and the doctor. I also have 70% blockage in two places in the main artery of my heart that 3 cardiologists have determined doesn't need to be stented at this time. My blood pressure is monitored thru the hospital. I'm on two meds for that.
As far as sitters, my husband doesn't want anyone in the house. We don't have tons of money to pay round the clock sitters for him. I leave him home alone with doors unlocked & he has a phone. I need a break, but have no one to stay with him. What does respite care involve? I have to get out of here.
Best of luck to you with your husband. My advice is a nursing home.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to SeeingRed49

Let social services/case manager know that you are unable to care for him at home while you are ill. Ask for assistance in placing him until you feel better.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Taarna

When hospital and rehab stays can no longer be "justified," someone like your husband who needs more care than you can manage at home will need to be placed in a care facility. This will usually be an out-of-pocket expense for you. A facility often requires a month's fees up front to even accept a patient. The hospital or rehab will not keep him b/c they are only reimbursed by the government for "medically necessary" services.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to RedVanAnnie

Would sure appreciate an update from you.
When you wrote us on the 8th you were in the middle of a bout of covid and a facility was insisting on sending home your loved one.
You haven't been back to update and this makes me worried that you may be hospitalized.
Can you reassure us you are home and healing, and update us as to discharge decisions made?
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

No, they can’t. Repeat the phrase, UNSAFE DISCHARGE
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JeanLouise

This post is from December. Hopefully OP is over her COVID. She posted once and did not return.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

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