Thankyou everyone, it's very helpful to hear from people that have experienced, similar conditions, I am really trying and have been trying but all the process to get help takes so long, I just need a couple weeks away with, no worries and hearing my name called every 10 minutes, I hope i can find someone to step in for abit, but family and friends is not an option with the carw they need, so I have to rely on government services, I thank you all so much, and I will try take it 1 day at a time, but if I start to feel way to overwhelmed, I will definitely take your advice and call 000 to get an ambulance and be admitted for some help, with everything, to all who replied you are a God send and I can't thankyou all enough, it's good to know people truly care, even for someone they don't even know, it really does give me hope for a brighter future.
Heppner, thanks for coming back please do take care of yourself.

If I may suggest some little steps you can take. When you are able to get out , don't let yourself think about , your loved one. And every time you do tell yourself, a big fat NO! This is about me, and only me.

Practice mindfulness, put yourself in the moment, not in your problems. Practice, rule of 3, 3 deep breaths, find 3 pretty things, close your eyes and hear 3 things.

If you are feeling guilty! DON'T, you didn't cause this you have nothing to feel guilty about!

And most importantly please don't hesitate to call , emergency numbers for the country you live in!!!! And be sure to get yourself some counseling
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Anxietynacy

Have a great respite!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Fawnby

Also, you have to accept the fact that for some things you have no control. So say to yourself as much as you can , " let go let God" or
" Let the marbles fall where they may" what ever works for you.

Religion or not , read the serenity prayer. Change the things that you can, accept the things that you can not.
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Reply to Anxietynacy
AlvaDeer 3 hours ago
Exactly. I think that for believers the let go and let god can be so good in so many circumstances. And I couldn't agree MORE with the serenity prayer. Whether you are of faith or not, whether you are in AA or not the serenity pray is the best thing we can repeat to ourselves ever. The shortest and most to the point. The very best thing we can rely upon.
I feel so much better hearing your message to us now, and I just want to assure you that there is no shame whatsoever in getting help for yourself when you are feeling overwhelmed. The truth is that our despair and helplessness can hit us SUDDENLY and if our impulse control is down for the count we can get ourselves in serious trouble. Please reach out for help when you need it.
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