
I'm having a hard time getting a medical bed for my mom because she's paralyzed from the waist down. Any help or contact information would be appreciated. It's hard for my dad to lift her, he's much older than her so we're trying to get her a medical hospital bed (an electric one with pulsating mattress so she doesn't get bed sores). She is immobile and I need help. Please and thank you.

You should be able to get a Dr order for her and get it through her insurance . You can always rent or buy one as well and then just sell it when your done or return it ..
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Reply to Trixipie

The doctor can order one and just like any prescription it will be filled. The place to fill it would be your local Medical Supply store.
(You can ask at the doctors office for a few in the area. )
And some "Lending Closets" may have one BUT most no longer take mattresses so you would have to provide your own.
You did not mention this but I am going to STRONGLY suggest Hospice.
Hospice does NOT mean just End of Life. AS long as there is a decline that meets Medicare guidelines a person can remain on Hospice.
With Hospice you would have all the equipment that is necessary to care for her safely.
A CNA that would come in and help with a shower or bath 2 times a week. The CNA would order all the personal supplies, briefs, wipes, gloves, ointments, absorbent pads.
A Nurse would come 1 time a week and would check to make sure vital are ok and the Nurse would order any medical supplies, medications that are needed.
All of this would be covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most other insurance.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Grandma1954

Have you contacted your regional agency on aging? And perhaps the social worker at the hospital where I assume she was a patient a one time?
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Reply to cwillie

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