
As a follow up to an earlier post, my mom's outpatient rehab nurse says most medicare plans actually pay for an automated pill dispenser and for having someone come weekly to set it up.

Anyone else hear about this? I am contacting her insurance but in the meanwhile thought there might be others out there who might benefit from this information . Its under a program called RTM, remote therapy management

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Thank you for sharing this information. Definitely beneficial to know there are benefits that are don't ask don't tell. Good to know that part of insurance.
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Karsten Sep 5, 2024
yea, I wondered why we just now heard about it. We have seen so many professionals in the last few weeks and this is first one that mentioned it.
"In the majority of cases, Medicare will not cover pill dispensers; however, some automatic pill dispensers qualify for coverage as part of remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM) services. RTM coverage refers to a range of services used to deliver virtual care to patients in their homes.Nov 16, 2023"

Medicare Advantage insurance may cover it. You may need a doctor's order to get one.
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