I believe my 86 yr old mother to be at the end of stage 6. The past 9-12 months she has had bouts of drooling while and after eating that just doesn't seem to stop for at least 30 minutes. He voice gets thick and gurgly. These symptoms are showing up now almost daily.
She has suddenly vomited or spit up food also at times but not near as often....maybe once a month. It just comes back out without warning, no sickness or sick feeling.
This causes an acid condition in the gut, which in turn causes irritation. The irritation leads to inflammation...And the secretory glands overproduce mucus to dilute the offending foods.
Does this make sense?
..having dessert after a meal causes the meal to ferment...just as ice cold water (an american habit) inhibits the digestion.
It all comes back to the gut...and what one puts in it.
A healthy diet is rich in fruits vegetable grains seeds and nuts....in their most wholesome organic form.
A 1Tblspn Raw Apple Cidar Vinegar
1Tblspn Raw honey (from your area)
1/4C warm distilled water
Stir well & have her drink before each meal. Tastes pleasant
This will improve her entire digestive system remarkably
This will stop the drooling episodes
Drooling is one of the signs - but I am not a doctor and drooling could be symptomatic of other disorders as well.