
Hi. My elderly mother is hard of hearing and will not use a hearing aid. I got her a big button chorded phone with an old style receiver but she still can not hear well. Is there something that can amplify the volume of the receiver. The phone's volume control is hard for her to use and resets when the phone is hung up. Thanks.

You need to get her one for the hearing impaired. My husbands phone you set the volume and it stays at that position. He has a boost button on one of our phones.

CapTel is one where she will read what is being said. There are other brands too. The phone and hookup may be free but there is a charge for the service.

Has Mom been to an ENT for a check up? Sometimes wax can be the problem and needs to be cleaned out. May not improve her hearing 100% but may help.

Put in search "landline phone amplifier for hearing impaired" you will see different things that can be used.
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Reply to JoAnn29

I got my mom a clarity phone and it worked very well for her, but that was over a decade ago.
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Reply to cwillie

Thank you.
I have used google but I was looking for someone who may be able to recommend a device that they have used.
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Reply to kenmtb

Phone Assistance Devices................
Available everywhere and is as simple as a google or other search engine search.
Now as to which are the best, or really good? That I am not certain of and hope some here using them will have more information for you.

Amazon has some devices.
There are also programs out there that are especially for hearing impaired folks. I would access and research their recommendations.
Good luck on your search and if you find something GREAT that WORKS then do update your post here, because basically we are just caregivers searching for all the things you are, and this is how we learn and share.
Hope you find the ideal devise and wishing you good luck.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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