
My mother, from the age of 79 to 87, has not eaten anything except after adding sugar or honey or Sweet juice, it started out hidden from me, then I noticed it, and the sugar was disappearing in less than a week.
Sometimes she puts sugar in a cup of water and drink it may times during the day. 2 years ago i replaced regular sugar with healthy sugar. And she still consumes sugar horribly, and wants to eat sweets all the time.
Sometimes she doesn't notice herself that She puts a lot of sweets in her mouth.
At first, the blood sugar test was terrifying before changing the type of sugar in the kitchen , and now the blood sugar test is moderate..
I try to focus on her condition without eating sugar and with it. Without sugar, she remains sitting or sleeping a lot. With sugar, she seems more energetic.
It seems to give her energy to move.
But her desire to eat sweets scares me a lot.

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This reminds me of my BIL who died of pancreatic cancer. Stunningly he lived with it for six years. He had the same oncologist for five of those years and when that doctor moved to another practice he had to see a different doctor. The new oncologist told him not to eat sweets, dairy products, red meat and a host of other foods. He had metastatic pancreatic cancer with no hope of surviving. BIL was so disgusted he asked “why, will I die.” He ate anything and everything he wanted for the rest of his life. The lesson I learned was that we shouldn’t put up unnecessary roadblocks to the happiness of our LO’s at the end of their lives.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to RLWG54
Grandma1954 Jul 2, 2024
👋👋👋 for your brothers response!
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If I’m 87 , I hope nobody takes my cake away .
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to waytomisery
BurntCaregiver Jul 3, 2024

If I live past 75 I'm not only going to resume my former love affair with cheeseburgers and fries, but also with bourbon whiskey and hot fudge sundaes. I also plan on taking up smoking again at that age. How I LOVED smoking!
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Hmmmm. And she's 87? I am 81 and now wondering if I should go on a sugar and honey diet.
So far I concentrate on salts and chips.
I would discuss this with her doctor. Ask for a nutrition consult.
But do understand that we all die, and sounds like she's made it to 87 this way. And is quite satisfied.
I will say, watching Naked and Afraid, it is amazing how long the human body can sustain without much food. Elders eat less and less and sleep more and more.
Good luck to you.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Moondancer Jun 24, 2024
Your answer made me laugh so hard I'll bet you could hear it all the way from here in Sonoma County to SF!
At 87 she’s way past the point of caring about healthy food choices. She’ll soon be dead regardless of what she eats, let her enjoy her remaining time eating whatever she wants.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to ZippyZee

She's 87. Let her eat whatever she wants. She earned it.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to olddude

Does she have Dementia? People who suffer from Dementia loose their taste and smell. Sugar they can taste. If your substituting a sugar substitute for the sugar be careful. Some will cause diarrhea. Aspartame will cause seizures.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29
Hibash Jul 2, 2024
No she hasn't..I'll thank you
Sounds like you two love in the same house. It must be exhausting being the sugar police all the time. I’d have less sugar available and stop monitoring the consumption in some of that age
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Daughterof1930

She's old. If eating sugar makes her happy, let her eat it. Let her have some happiness because there is not much left to be happy about at the age of 87. There are so many losses in later life, just getting up every day is damn depressing.. Don't steal all the joy out of her last years, there isn't much left to look forward to happily.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Hothouseflower

As we age, so do our taste buds. My mother extremely over salted and over sweetened EVERYTHING she ate for the last 10 years of her life. I replaced salt with No Salt and sugar with Truvia and kept my mouth shut. Her blood work was adequate but I didn’t care about it anymore. She recently passed away at age 91. This isn’t a situation you can change so just roll with it.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to RLWG54

She refuses to go to the doctor, so we seek help from our family doctors to visit her..
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Reply to Hibash
JoAnn29 Jun 25, 2024
Family doctors do not visit. The may have a nurse practioner that does.
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