
I posted recently about a bad situation with my brother. I think I know the answer to my question but I'm so stunned by what has happend that I am questioning myself (and my sanity!) Here's the conversation which happened (details removed for privacy and is a general, condensed description of the conversations but the gist is true).

Brother: Hey, dad will be going to (place) from now on.
Me: Oh, that's great. I've be been telling him that he needs to but he always tells me he's not ready yet.

Next day:

Me: Hi dad, I'm so glad you will be going there from now on.
Dad: What??? That's not true.
Me: Brother said that you are.
Dad: No, we never had any discussion.

Next day:

Me: I talked with dad. He said he never agreed or even discussed what you said.
Brother: Ha, ha. He doesn't know it.
Me: What?
Brother: I'm just going to take him there.
Me: Shouldn't you have discussed it with him?
Brother: Ha, ha. This is what I am doing.
Me: Did you consider that he may protest?
Brother: I don't want to hear it.
Me: Ok, I want to tell you you about an incident that happend to dad the other day.
Brother: I don't want to hear it.
Me: It's important.
Brother: If you say one more word I am hanging up!

Is this a healthy, mature discussion? Is there any possibility that my brother was right talking like that to me? I can't get it out of my head that he wouldn't let me say anything. Any words of advice are appreciated because I literally have no one I can ask.

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hi OP!

1. as i said on your previous post, i hope you’re not pulling anyone’s leg.

2. you said your father is mentally competent. if that’s true, no one can force your father to go to AL (previously you said it was AL). tell your father that.

3. tell your father please: if he doesn’t like his son’s decisions as POA, he can easily revoke the POA. (you said, no way your father will revoke the POA). but seriously, tell your father he has that option. one can always feel different later: let him know he has that option.

4. your brother towards you? you brought up your school report cards (A’s), good letters from school princiPALS (not “principles”). so OP, please go ahead, you answer the question.
Helpful Answer (5)
lisatrevor Mar 2022
Why in the world would I be spending my valuable time "pulling some's leg"?
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you have been writing to us now for several threads. This all seems very repetitive. In fact, but for your brother shouting "SHUT UP" at you in the last conversation, this is pretty much a repeat.
Your Father moved to be near your Brother and your Sister-in-Law. He asked your brother to act as his his POAs. You then followed to move YOURSELF to the same area. It seems every since there has been dissension between you and your Brother.
You have posted several conversations such as the one above to us, asking for our opinion.
In return for our honest opinions you have told those of us who dare disagree with you that we need to get "some things through our thick skulls" and that we are "Bozos".
To be frank, our opinions about your conversations with your brother are entirely irrelevant.
The Forum isn't here for you to argue your position with US.
We don't know you.
We don't know your Father.
We don't know your brother.
And we don't know the attorney you tell us you have.
In short, it little matters WHAT we think about the maturity level of you, your brother, your father, your sister-in-law or your attorney.
Helpful Answer (5)
lisatrevor Mar 2022
I never said I had an attorney. I only contacted one and got some initial information.
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Well I'm glad I read all the comments before I decided to post on this subject. Sounds like I'd be well advised to just stay out of this so I will.

Moving on now.
Helpful Answer (5)

If your dad is mentally competent and has his own money then your brother can't just put him in a assisted living or nursing home.

But that would mean daddy would have to stop living his lavish lifestyle courtesy of your brothers wife.

Dad has taken advantage of your brother and his wife for far too long. If you don't want dad to live in a facility then move him into your house.
Helpful Answer (4)
lealonnie1 Mar 2022
Come on SP! What does logic have to do with anything???????? :)
LT, your times not as valuable as you think or you would have taken over paying for daddy's deserved luxury retirement. Instead you think a woman should continue paying indefinitely, while you make things as hard as possible for everyone but yourself.
Helpful Answer (3)

Its been said we r not sure if ur male or female and it does make a difference in how we respond.

Your brother has the POA. Your Dad needs a level of care that brother, for whatever reason, does not want to fund anymore. So decisions need to be made. Dad will now have to pay for that care in his home or go to a nice Assisted Living. Brother no longer wants anything to do with Dads care. So he is doing the next logical thing and placing Dad where he is safe and cared for. Then when brother is traveling he does not have to worry about Dad. If you are not willing to care for your Dad, then stay out of brothers way. I mean the hands on caring Being there 24/7.

If you are not the solution, you need to back off.
Helpful Answer (3)

I thought the relationship was over and he wasn't telling you anything?

You know that he is telling you things because he knows that you are telling your dad about every conversation and that is immature behavior on your part.

You know the score and you just keep stirring the pot to have your dad upset about what is going on. You, yourself have said his memory is bad, so you have no realistic idea what was said to him and what wasn't.

When people interfere in my responsibilities and cause grief and hardship, I tell them things that aren't true to get them worked up, sounds like your brother has your number and enjoys jerking your chain.

Adults don't keep trying the same tactics over and over once it has been proven to be a waste of time. You keep going back and that puts you at fault. Stop and it will stop.

I know you think everything you have done is right, so no need to tell me again. I don't agree with your interference and nothing you say will change that.
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Gosh, thank you for showing off your intellect. It's such a wonder anyone might question you.
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Yes, you do already know the answer.

But look, there is a rule about this, and the rule is: lead, follow or get out the way.

So when it comes to your father's care, which do you want to do?

Your brother is behaving like a three year old, sticking his fingers in his ears with his lalalacan'thearyou. Can you see why he might not want to listen?

Out of interest, what was the important thing you needed to tell him about?
Helpful Answer (2)
PeggySue2020 Mar 2022
I’d be surprised if Lisa tells us as they said they couldn’t refer to “service providers” as anything more because of “privacy.”
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Lisa, however crappy bro is treating you, what’s more important, his validating you, or you having a relationship with dad?

If dad is the priority, then you’re going to have to show you’re mending relations. Which bluntly means kissing brothers butt.
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