I joined a homecare agency that is not through Medicaid but private pay. I have had nothing but ups and downs with this employer. Things started to get crazy back in September 2024 when the owner of a new location for a homecare agency asked me cover a shift with a risk fall client. The client fell on my shift there were mistakes on my part but my manager played it off as if it was fine that i was right to protocols. After I started having problems within the company. She told me I was a scapegoat for new things and at the time I thought she meant in good ways. even though I have been a caregiver for a while my Medicaid agency would never put me at risk with clients or in situations that cause me to put them at risk. anyways, I told her my hopes to be a good caregiver and become a shift lead when I first started after the secretary left(she put a lot of responsibility on her) she told me I was a shift lead but never gave me real power. She would undermine me quietly but give me tons of hours. I wanted to quit plenty oftimes because of my financial issues and my living situation I stayed with the company. Recently she has put me in a horrible position with a client that is told not to be left alone. The client is said to have dementia and anxiety and must be monitored at all times. Recently she has cut my time with this client and has told me this client is okay to be alone for a while. This client seems to be sharp but acting like she may have dementia. She shows signs of cognitive decline but I would say her anxiety is more the issue. The owner has told me I am scheduled to leave the client at a certain time. The client then would be left alone for a 4 hours. Supposedly all other staff has followed this. However my position as shift lead/ office assistant has been removed indirectly and been given away. My manager keeps offering me hours but the clients i am seeing I am either doing a horrible job with or just barely making it out. I wanted advice because I am supposed to leave this client alone for 4 hours till another caregiver shows up but I am worried this is set up for a neglect. what are my options here should I find ways to stay what are the legal actions. Also I have documented that the family left a paper stating they leave her unattended for periods of time but I figured this can be used as a set up.
You are a caregiver and YOU are responsible to do what you know is right and to act in the right way. If you are asked to do something that endangers a client it is on YOU to go to your manager and say "I cannot do this; it would endanger the said client because _________________." And then you don't do it.
That seems to me, on the face of it, quite simple. For instance: IF you have personal knowledge that a client is paying for 24/7 care, and is NOT to be left alone, then you do NOT leave that client alone. And if that client, who you have PROOF must NOT be left alone, and your agency is purposely and with knowledge aforethought leaving the client ALONE, then you report the agency to APS with all your proof and facts.
Clearly you believe that this agency is not acting honorably.
If this is the case then you LEAVE. And if this agency is working for any governmental entity in getting payment, you should give your proof of neglect to the said agency.
The duplicate question has a different title but the rest of the post is exactly the same.