
I had been using a temp agency per hour with mom. I 'm transitioning to 24/7 coverage with a different group of people. I contacted the old company that i only needed them for 2 and not 3 days now.

They called the aid currently with my mom who promptly told my mom she's quitting after today because she doesn't' want to work 2 days for her now.

So no notice and my mom , not myself was notified with no notice.

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I'm not sure about "normal" but in my experience lots of changes occurring in scheduling has occurred with my dad, using 3 different agencies. In the beginning they nod their heads about the importance of consistency with caregivers, but in time, with all three I found people starting changing up. NOW, my dad is VERY DIFFICULT to work with, so that is a factor I'm sure also.
On the other hand, I think some caregivers do want a minimum number of days of regular work, even via agency. So maybe that is a factor for you?
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The temp agency should find a new person. But they won't unless they think they will get more work from you. If there not getting a possibility of more work then they won't care. It's all about the money .
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What does the original contract with that agency say about it?

I understand that most aids want a minimum of 30 hours per week per client, and this is much easier in terms of scheduling aids. But just quitting like that is definitely unprofessional and shocking.

I would contact them and say if they don't figure out a better solution you will be informing people on about this terrible experience. If the agency admins have a brain they will scramble to make it right.

Then again, maybe it's better that they fired themselves. They showed who they really were, so best to believe them.
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Depending on the country, that’s criminal, to be reported to the police. Abandoning a helpless, elderly person.
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Anxietynacy Jun 25, 2024
If she left in the middle of a shift and didn't call the office, maybe. But no she told them when her shift was over. Every one has a right to call in sick. Even caregivers. It's up to the temp agency to fire her or not, and up to the agency to fill in for her
Sadly, it probably is “normal” but certainly not professional. As you said, it is a “temp agency,” so changing caregivers and agencies would be a very regular occurrence. It was this particular aide who was unprofessional and the temp agency can still provide aides through the transition.
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That was wrong on all counts
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Not normal. Very unprofessional. I also worked with 3 agencies. That was the only way I could ensure coverage.

There are a lot of flaky people that work in this industry.

Just push forward.
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