
My 89 y/o Mom asked to come live with us in June. She has been fiercely independent since widowed at 49. She made the decision to move in with us because she was tired of dealing with a house and was also ready to be around more people.

Right away she caught Influenza A and had seriously low blood O2. ER & ICU docs didn't think she would make it and had me have the talk with her. She did pull thru but was put on full-time oxygen(COPD). It was a slow process to get her back mentally and physically to about half of where she was pre-illness.

I had to make all her decisions from bathing and personal care to banking to what food she ate. She is now able to take her meds, fix coffee and walk unassisted in the house. She advocated her needs with a new doctor recently and we play a pretty simple card game where she uses some strategy. She watches football and seems to follow the game for the most part.

She does NOT shower alone- is worried she will fall so I do it for her with shower chair. I've been making her hold the hand nozzle and rinse herself. She won't pick her own clothes out "since I make such good choices." She won't fix her own simple breakfast/lunch and will just not eat if I don't do it. She won't turn down her bed even tho it's just a simple pull back of coverlet and moving 2 pillows. Whatever the topic, she pulls it back to make it about her.

Lately she seems to get very worried about the weirdest things..."what will she do if her toilet handle breaks when I'm not home." It one time got loose and wouldn't flush — I immediately tightened the nut and it was fixed. There is another toilet on the same level and I'm not gone for more than a couple hours. She has a space heater with a very simple on/off button but thinks it's broken because it doesn't always turn on when SHE pushes the button (it's new and works just fine but as of today is certain if I don't turn it on then it doesn't work right). She has been using it without issue for over a month but now can't do it alone.

Lately, I have been going to lunch with friends, playing cards a couple times a week and making plans to do other "newly retired lady" things. Is she trying to manipulate me so that I give her all my attention and don't pursue my own interests? Is this a symptom of some aging issue? I don't think she is consciously aware she is doing this...but I feel like I'm going crazy.

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Your mother’s social circle would stand a good chance of growing much bigger at AL. I read below that you built a retirement wing onto your house, for her. So maybe her money was already spent on that. But if she can afford it, AL would give her so much of what she now wants you to do. And you’d have your life with the chance to visit her as much as you desire.
My mother became super helpless after a long bout of very high anxiety and unresolved pain all over her body, going from hospital to nursing facility several times in a row before we finally got her placed into an AL apartment. At that point she wanted only to be pushed in a wheelchair, moaning & crying, not wanting to go to the dining room, saying she didn’t know how to use “this thing” (a spoon) and she needed someone to show her, wanting somebody to help her pull her pants down in the bathroom, requiring someone help her with everything, all while she constantly illegibly scribbled into a notebook about how awful or cruel were her circumstances and the people she interacted with. Anyway, fast forward…by 3 months the staff got her out of wheelchair and back to using her walker, going to the dining room for meals and making lots of new friends, playing the piano for everyone, going for walks with other residents, attending a live parrot show at the facility, so much more. She is content now and improving physically (she’s 94 so the mind is slow, for sure) We pay for AL to bring her meds, give her a shower, monitor her vitals, and she wears a call button in case she falls or she needs assistance with anything.
These places let you visit, tour the facility, and many (at least for me) let your family have a dinner or lunch in their dining room, free of charge. Might be worth it to check out a few.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to InlandMeg

It is not dementia, it is advanced COPD. COPD in latter stages reduces her endurance to do activities. She probably feels too "winded" after simple tasks and she is asking you to do them in a round about way to save her energy. In time, she will not have energy to do even simple tasks. Some of the strange thought processes/conversations are probably do to reduced oxygenation. Buy a battery operated pulse oximeter and check her oxygen level when she is lucid - so you know her baseline. Then, check her oxygen level whenever she seems a bit "off." If her level is lower than baseline - usually 80's or lower - call her doctor. If severe call EMS for visit to ER.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Taarna

Maybe your mom was concerned about some declines she was experiencing so was ready to move in with you. Having a serious hospitalization where you almost lost her could have added to her declines. My mom declined during Covid as residents in her Independant Living had their meals delivered to their apartment. She too had a serious hospitalization (at age 94) where we almost lost her. She pulled through but the doctor said she could no longer live alone. After that, she didn't like being alone and seemed afraid she would fall. Your mom may have lost some confidence and the change of household and routine may have led to confusion. Maybe having an aide come in to do personal care and having a companion stay with her at times would help you.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to gnyg58

Sounds like she moved in with you, thinking you would spend all your time and attention on her. It seems this coincided with your being newly retired.

Perhaps you can help her find new friends and social activities in the community. She may not know where to start. If you are the only person she knows, you are the only person she has.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to CaringWifeAZ

Weaver: Perhaps it's time for assisted living for her.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Llamalover47

My mother in law gets “helpless” at times. Sometimes she really does need the extra assistance from us as the MS and Parkinsonism progresses. But there’s times when she is fully capable of some independency. There’s a saying “if you don’t use it, you lose it” you could try to teach her that one and when she asks for help with the things you know for sure she’s independent with, you could say “if ya don’t use it, ya lose it. I’m going to have you turn down your bed yourself so that you can still be independent. I’m always here to help if I see you’re having too hard of a time. I’m here to make sure you’re safe while you’re doing it” for the most part it works great with my mother-in-law. My father-in-law dotes on her and does every little thing for her and I can see it making her slower and less independent with recent things like pulling her pants down in the bathroom. Because he has been doing it every day, now she struggles with it. Good luck I hope maybe this helps you out.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to JooFroo

It's often a downhill slide after an elder gets very sick and nearly dies. We expect them to bounce back to their old selves like they've done in the past, when they were younger, but at 89, that's no longer possible. Fear sets in, along with cognitive decline from serious illness, and they lose confidence. They need a lot more help than WE think they SHOULD need. It's not manipulation but genuine need your mother now has, for help with everything, in my opinion. You were expecting a fiercely independent roommate to move in but the influenza created a very dependent roommate now. It's unlikely to get better. Elders reach a point where they begin going downhill and it only gains speed, unfortunately. Nobody can say if your mom is at that tipping point, but at 89, it's likely she won't recover as you'd like her to.

Decide what the next move should be now. Assisted Living if she can afford it, or you continuing to be her caregiver? Not everyone is cut out to BE a caregiver and that's ok. Figure out where you lie on the caregiving spectrum and then have an honest talk with mom. I did that early on with my parents. I told them we'd not be cohabitating in their old age, that AL would be the way to go. And it was. They enjoyed the social aspect and the activities of AL while maintaining autonomy in their own lovely apartment. Don't let anyone tell you you're a Bad Guy if you don't want to be a caregiver, don't take on unnecessary guilt. Just be honest with yourself and mom.

Good luck to you.
Helpful Answer (19)
Reply to lealonnie1
BurntCaregiver Jan 30, 2025

Of course a person 89 is not going to bounce back from a sickness or any kind of setback. That doesn't mean that they have to be treated like a helpless infant though.

Doing everything, "babying" and coddling a person doesn't do them any favors especially when they're elderly. What it does do is rob them of whatever independence and autonomy they still have.

JooFroo is right. It is 'use it or lose it'. A person must do for themselves where they are able at any age. If someone has gotten to the point where they panic and get hysterical and can't be left alone for any amount of time, that's usually when it's time for placement.
Looking back, my mom was all of the sudden unsure of herself about everything. She couldn't make decisions, she couldn't do anything alone, etc. It was very annoying at first because like your mom, my mom had always been fiercely independent and never asked for advice or help and all of the sudden she couldn't do anything. I think your mom had some cognitive decline going on and that is why she asked to move in... the illness has inflamed the decline, for lack of a better word and brought it to the forefront. I think your mom needs help.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Jamesj
BurntCaregiver Jan 25, 2025

You may very well be right and there is some form of cognitive decline or dementia going on. That is why it is more important than ever to force the person to do for themselves where they are still able to. When the peron starts getting afraid to leave the house unless their adult child is with them, that is when it's time for them to be dropped off at the senior center, put into adult daycare, or you bring in a paid caregiver/companion. Then you leave for the duration of the shift. There must be boundaries.

If you coddle and "baby" the person whatever independence they still possess will disappear fast. Then you will have a hysterical, helpless, adult-sized baby on your hands that you will have to take into the bathroom with you because they're afraid to sit and watch tv by themselves.

The person may hate you for refusing to 'baby' them and because you force them do for themselves where they're able. They may get angry if you won't let them hijack your social life or you refuse to become their social life.

It may sound harsh and even cruel, but it's for a person's own good. Nothing is more important than maintaining some level of autonomy and independence for an elder no matter how advanced their dementia is.

If all a person with dementia can do is get food into their mouth or put their slippers on themselves, that's a form of independence. If they can sit in a room and watch tv without another person with them, that's a form of independence too.
Explore assisted living for her. From what you say she's still does quite well and the right AL would be good for her. She'd get a social life if she wanted one. There's always some activity or other going on and the one I worked at years ago took the residents out twice a week to either shopping or some other social event.

What your mother is doing now with the having you get her clothes, pull down her bed, panicking about the toilet or the heater when she knows you're going out, etc... is called Learned Helplessness. Wanting someone to help her shower is different. That's a safety concern. Inventing imaginary nonesense and panicking over "what if" scenarios like the toilet handle or the heater are learned helplessness. She's also trying to sabotage any social life you have that doesn't involve her.

Don't allow this behavior. Nip it in the bud now before it gets out of control and she starts with "staging" falls and fabricating health crises that have to result in you missing out on your card game or whatever because you're sitting in the ER with her over nothing. You cannot be her whole social life and she can't be in every part of yours either.

You stop catering to her today. If she can do for herself, she has to She can fix a bowl of cereal for breakfast or a sandwich for lunch or go hungry. When she's hungry enough, she'll go and eat. Don't you do it.

On the days you go out and do your thing, drop her off at the senior center if your town has one. Or hire a part-time companion for her that she pays for.

You lay down the law today or it's going to get worse. I did senior homecare for 25 years so I know how it gets if you play this game with her.

I had a care client years ago who lived with her son and DIL. The home was a ranch and all one floor. The MIL had a bedside commode in her room that was supposed to be temporary. She had her own bathroom off the bedroom. She would only use that commode. Even if the bathroom was closer. Her mobility was good. She enjoyed stinking up the house because she knew her DIL would have to clean it up. I never did because she wouldn't use that commode during my shift. One day I threw it out because her DIL was afraid to. Everyone had a talk with the mother about her behavior. I let her know if she became a helpless invalid, she'd have to to a nursing home. Her family agreed and they stopped humoring the learned helplessness. It was like she got a new lease on life. Respectful, pleasant, and even nice.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to BurntCaregiver

If you don't want to be your mother's caretaker, place her in a assisted living or hire someone. Your mom's health caused her mental decline. She is entering the beginning stages of Dementia. There is no sinister ploy. Please be compassionate towards your mom and make the right decision.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Onlychild2024

It could be age related, it might be Mild Cognitive Impairment which can lead to dementia, or it can be something which mimics dementia, called pseudodementia. Whatever it is, I do not think she exhibits this behavior in a manipulative way.

If it is pseudodementia, you need to seek medical help in stemming the problem. Here I quote a short piece from my recent book "Dementia Care Companion",

Pseudodementia is not dementia, in that it is not due to neurological degeneration. Rather, it has its roots in psychiatric disorders that have symptoms similar to dementia. The term “pseudodementia” is often used as a descriptive term for the symptoms associated with depression and other mood-related disorders, especially in advanced age. Unlike dementia, in which the course of the illness is progressive, pseudodementia is potentially reversible by treatment.
;People with pseudodementia are usually fearful of their declining cognitive function, while people with dementia tend to be less concerned about it and may even deny that they have a problem.
A person with Alzheimer’s disease usually has short-term memory problems, while in pseudodementia, usually both short- and long-term memory are impaired.
Persons with pseudodementia are less cooperative with their doctors and tend to score better on psychiatric tests than expected. In contrast, persons with dementia tend to be more cooperative with their doctors and score lower than expected.
A patient with pseudodementia is more likely to answer “I don’t know” to questions in cognitive tests administered by a doctor.
Compared to patients with dementia, patients with pseudodementia are better able to focus and pay attention, and rely less on their partners in answering their doctor’s questions.
Many patients with pseudodementia complain about memory loss, but patients with dementia usually do not have this complaint due to their lack of awareness of their impairment.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Samad1
BurntCaregiver Jan 26, 2025

The people who write in here on this forum are mostly family caregivers. They are not scientists who study different forms of dementia or psychiatrists who study illnesses of the mind.
So sprouting off like you're giving a lecture at the Mayo Clinic really doesn't benefit anyone. It's not advice or helpful.

Can you speak from actual practical experience dealing with an elder with pseudo-dementia (which I sometimes call a "performance" and will explain*) and an actual diagnosed dementia like Alzheimer's or others?

The worst thing for an elder with pseudo-dementia or actual dementia is to enable their loss of independence. This is done by 'babying' them and catering to them because it's easier than making them do for themselves where they are able. It doesn't do a person any favors to allow things like a 'shadowing' habit to form where they have to be right with you every second. It will make a person worse. It wasn't doing the client I mentioned on this thread any favors when her son and DIL continued to allow her to use the bedside commode when she didn't need it.

If a person still has awareness, they still have independence and shouldn't be treated like helpless infants because that is enabling and learned helplessness.

* I use the term "performance" because I had a ticket to this senior show for 25 years. The level of helplessness and mental inability depends on who's in the audience. I've had care clients in the home and in AL who did really well and were surprisingly independent in many ways when their adult children weren't around. The second the kids show up, the person turns into a crying, lamenting, miserable invalid. Same applies to their health. When family is around the person is literally on their deathbed calling for the priest. When they get to the doctor they make a miraculous recovery and nothing is wrong.
See 2 more replies
The issue can all be found in how you phrased this: "She made the decision to move in with us..."
You let her move in. You likely moved in some boxes. Pack them up and move them somewhere nice that has ft help.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to peanuttyxx
AlvaDeer Jan 24, 2025
Exactly. Today it seems that no one can take personal responsibility for their actions. And, without doing that at the start, there can be no answer.
See 1 more reply
Good Morning,

In all honesty, this made me think of the song..."we all need somebody to lean on".

When my mother first took sick I remember thinking I am not going to second-guess her especially since she too was a rather young widow 56. She drove in Boston, attended all the grandchildren's games, was on every Church Committee, walked two miles a day.

Now in her upper 80's, I have been doing all of the above mentioned for a while now but keep in mind, they are wearing out. They get tired. I want to wait on my mother. It's not going to go back to what it used to be and will only deteriorate as times goes on.

My mother worries that we are running out of marmalade. Their executive functioning skills decline which makes them worry. You can see by their handwriting and also oftentimes their peripheral vision is gone so they can't gage the correction distance of things.

When my mother worries I just sit and hold her hand. My mother raised a large family and she would always remark, "if the mother is calm, the children will be calm, especially in a crisis". I now find myself saying the same thing, if I remain calm, mother will remain calm! Amen...
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to Ireland
Weaver Jan 24, 2025
Your answer was very helpful! I know she will not go back to the way she was when she was 50/60/70/80. I have kept a journal of her daily "cognitive functioning" and since her hospital/rapid decline instead of a scale of 1-10 I use 1-5. Days when she hits a 5 is becoming less so I think my expectations of any further improvement are correct. She did go from a 1 to sometimes a 5 since her hospital/flu episode- but will probably never hit a 6.
For her to fret is new and I wanted to make sure it wasn't manipulation or if others experience this too. She does seem to sabotage my time away and everything is about her ..but knowing this isn't uncommon and can be part of a normal decline is a relief. I work hard to be kind (sometimes I fail) but I am determined to continue. I'm going to use your mantra and know when she gets I can just be with her and be calm!
Your mother is not the thriving 49 year old widow.
As an 82 y/o myself, I can assure you that there's a lifetime between 50 and 90.

Your mom's actually doing OK for someone who survived the influenza that would definitely have taken most at that age OUT, even without underlying COPD.
And we are talking, with COPD a chronic ongoing deprivation of oxygen to the brain in an elder. Not a good thing. Can lead to some addled behavior, especially if tired.

To be blunt your mom is at the end of her life. This doesn't sound like dementia so much as it does an aging brain in a person with underlying COPD (by the way there are few surviving to 90) who is becoming more and more dependent.

Hopefully NOW all paperwork is in? POA? Advance directives? Wills? If not, that is ASAP with attorney visiting her in your home.
Which, by the by, is HER home as well, and I hope there has been a contract of care done with her for shared living costs, as you are going to need to hire in some care soon to give you respite if you intend to do in home care.
Consider asking now for Gerontologist as her MD, or Palliative Care specialist.

Do not push food. Do not monitor wishes regarding sleep which will become more wished for. Do not encourage socialization she doesn't wish. Stay in close contact with medical. Keep a diary. Watch Teepa Snow videos so you don't fall down the rabbit hole of "But MOM, we DISCUSSED how to turn on the heater!!!"

If you wish to speak with mom after family discussion about how long you may or may not wish to do 24/7 care, now is the time. Because you are very close into your mother needing monitoring and help with absolutely everything.

The trajectory is downward now. That won't change. Ageing with chronic illness is now the enemy at the gate. And that's the enemy that always wins in the end.
I am really sorry, but will leave you again with the fact that between age 50 and age 90 there is an entire world of change.
Helpful Answer (13)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Weaver Jan 24, 2025
Thank you! Your perspective helps. I am realistic about where is is for the most part as I have seen her decline over the years. Saying she was fiercely independent was to give background. There has always been just a bit of manipulation with her between my siblings and I wanted to know how much was intentional and how much was mental decline.
We do and have had all the paperwork in order for well over 15 years. During her scary hospital stay I contacted her lawyer for a review and all is still in order.
The Teepa Snow videos were great and thanks for that too!
See 1 more reply
They are good until they aren't. At 89 the flu could cause her COPD to worsen.

"the flu can significantly affect you if you have COPD, as people with COPD are considered at high risk for serious complications from influenza due to their already compromised lung function, making even a mild flu case potentially dangerous and leading to worsened breathing difficulties and exacerbations of their COPD symptoms; therefore, it's crucial for individuals with COPD to get vaccinated against the flu every year."
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29

At 89 it's totally possible she has dementia. But even if she does, the caregiving arrangement needs to accoommate the caregiver or you will burn out. You have gradually become her entertainment committee as well as personal FT attendant.

What would feel like a solution to you? You can have her pay for in-home companion aid to take the burden of attention off yourself (but if you are in the same home this may not work well). Or, you transition her into an AL where she'll get lots more social exposure -- but no one will be doing things for her. She may need a higher level of care if she won't or can't do things for herself.

My MIL went into AL when her short-term memory made it unsafe for her to live alone. It didn't take long before she *seemed* to decide to not even try to get out of bed. She did have chronic back pain from a prior broken back and surgery, but she never participated much in her own therapy (and this could have been due to her cognitive decline). Eventually she stopped getting out of bed and she became bedridden as she lost her muscle tone, and had to move to LTC even though her mind wasn't that bad. It took about 2 years for her to agree to participate in even community dinner time. All this to say that IF she moves into a facility, you will still need to have tempered expectations for what she does there. If she has COPD she may be a candidate for LTC, which would be covered by Medicaid if she also qualifies financially.

You need to stop figuring her out and start figuring your desired solution out. It will be difficult for a while but then you will regain your life and sanity. I wish you all the best in this journey.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Geaton777

Does it matter whether she is “trying to manipulate me so that I give her all my attention”, or whether this “is a symptom of some aging issue”? Whichever it is, it is not working for you – you “feel like I'm going crazy”.

It’s time to start researching other options for her to live, and have all her wants dealt with. Respite care for a couple of weeks might help you to look afresh at how this is working out, and for M to make it clearer about what is going on with her. Perhaps you tell her that you had organised a trip for your retirement?
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to MargaretMcKen

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