
All of this has already been turned over multiple times to adult protective services who showed up one time to talk to my client. I had taken her down to the bank to get her transactions after she hasn't seen them in 6 months. I did this on my spare time because she was beside herself with stress and she's 91 and I just wanted her to be able to rest. I didn't expect to find what I did. Her granddaughter was using both 25,000 credit cards like they were her piggy bank. Her husband and her no longer worked or barely worked and everything they needed basically was coming off of those.. registering vehicles motorhome repairs liquor stores cigarettes gas propane. Adult protective services came to visit her one time. They came early in the morning when she first woke up and she's not completely lucid with her dementia first thing in the morning. But she did tell them that even if there was charges that she did not authorize she would not press charges on her granddaughter. It was her only living relative left. I think that the boss should protect people with dementia from their own self. This woman wakes up every day thinking everything's okay and then remembers that her granddaughter is doing this and it's a domino effect daily now. Her granddaughter will not give her back her cards and also had $7,000 of hers tucked away in a safe so that she could go see her husband anytime she needed to what she has not done in over 2 years. She asked for the money the other day when he was ill and her granddaughter said no. She was keeping it to bury her with or to move into a place with her but she could not have it back. He also has my clients vintage opal ring worth a great deal of money that her own mother made her when she was 16 she won't let her see it. I fear that is gone as well. Even if the authorities can't find it in their hearts to help her out why are they not helping him? Her husband and the step-grandfather cannot stand his granddaughter. Has kept her states away so that she could not do this while they were actively still living. She's been known to manipulate her grandmother in the past for money behind his back and he had to take out a second mortgage at one point because of it. This is why the granddaughter helped grandma put a temporary guardianship on him and put him in a home and then she brought her from Florida to here and he sits in Idaho. Once I was hired she scooped up all the cards and all the IDS over a year ago and has been using them to live off of ever since. If he knew about this and even knew his card still existed he would be livid and I know that he would probably also press charges but nobody has talked to him. She continues to use his card and her grandmother's and then has them pay the bill monthly so that she continued to do so. She also got a housing voucher for her grandmother for emergency housing and it's making her grandmother basically move in with her and let her on the voucher with her and her husband and her child. With promises that she got the bigger room next to the bathroom of course. Grandma gave in. Now that she's got the voucher and they're about ready to move in grandma has been told she gets the little room. Her trailer is going to be sold for a car for her granddaughter, even though she had a truck a Jeep and a van already. And the credit cards will be spent up to the max for anything that they need in the house and she will then declare bankruptcy on them. On my free time I was asked by grandmother to quietly pull money monthly from her social security and put it into an account along with $800 that I pulled from her credit card so that she had emergency money. Against my better judgment I did this because she wanted money to go see her husband and was able to accumulate $1,500. Now I fear that the granddaughter has caught on and somehow I got in too deep to help. I did nothing wrong but care about this woman. Why haven't they helped her and why haven't they helped her husband?

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It sounds like the choice to not press charges might be a big reason why authorities aren't taking further action. If your client is still considered mentally competent to make decisions, it's tough for them to intervene, even if it's clear the granddaughter is taking advantage. If there's a concern that your client isn’t able to make these decisions because of her dementia, it might be worth exploring legal avenues to establish her capacity and protect her assets. The court could then confirm if this is genuine theft and take the necessary steps.
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