
He has broken everything of mine throws things at me screams at the top of his lungs I'm trying to take his house or his inheritance he has completely gone nuts I had antiques my best friend gave me that can not be replaced he has broken it a million pieces I have video of him do all of this he sits on the couch and doesn't do a thing day in and day out I always use his truck never been an issue but I. Have always had my own truck here as well since my truck got towed and me unable to pay the fees to get it out he has been on a power trip with his truck not wanting me to use it and calling the cops saying I stole it because I had to go to be with my dying father in the hospital and he gave me the keys every day he tells me you gotta leave Amber you need to go for what he need to replace every dam thing he broke of mine he needs to be put in a mental ward to be evaluated seriously I feel unsafe at home and literally have no way to leave or no where to go he grabbed my diabetic bag and broke my blood sugar tester and only insulin pen he thinks it ok to break any and everything he can get his hands on what can I legally do about this he needs to stop and be held responsible for breaking everything I own and while I was gone trying to be with my dad that may never wake up he deliberately in 108 to 110 degree weather not make sure the animals had water or food that is beyond not ok now my first rescue cat meow is missing been calling her all day for hours she never not comes I need to know what to do I video of most of his outrages and pictures of the destruction

Find Care & Housing
Call the police, show them the videos and get your stuff and go to a shelter if you have to.
It's either that for now or risk being killed by this person who obviously has either mental issues, some form of dementia or both.
You need to get out sooner than later.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Yes, video him when he's on a rampage, threatening you, destroying things. It might be easier to get a security camera set up in a discrete part of your home (amazon has many to choose from). Call 911 during this behavior and tell them he's threatening and destructive and may have a UTI (if you tell them he has dementia this is not a medical emergency and they may not take him).

At the ER you go and make sure you tell them you don't feel safe at home when he's there, and that you want to talk to a social worker to discuss options to transition him into a facility directly from the hospital. He may need meds to help with his agitation and aggressive behaviors. Don't drive him back home, make sure he doesn't have a cell phone to contact anyone else to call and pick him up. Hopefully the hospital with do a "social admit" to get his cognitive symptoms controlled with medication, so they will hopefull first transfer him into a psych ward. Then you will hopefully have some time at home to thing about next steps and how to protect yourself.

If there aren't enough funds to pay for a facility, then you may need to consider resigning your PoA and having a judge assign him a 3rd party legal guardian. This will mean you no long will have to be responsible for any management of his affairs or paying for his care.

I'm going to request that your post gets relocated to the Questions section so more people will see and respond...
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Geaton777

You are being abused. Get out of there! Contact a women's shelter if you have nowhere else to go. They will find a safe place for you, help with your health issues, and advise you about your future. Do not wait. Do it today. Notify your local animal protective services about the animals.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Fawnby

This is not the place to be harboring rescued animals. He can’t take care of them when you leave for any reason. They need rehoming, and so do you.

Are you family? How is it you have poa?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to PeggySue2020

Could you tell us why you are living with this man and have POA for him?

You have no profile set up, which would help us. Has this man been diagnosed with a Dementia? If not, then he is mentally ill. Whichever, you need to get out of there. Next time he goes on a rampage, call the cops and tell them he has threatened your life. They should take him to the ER for evaluation and a 72 hr hold. This is your time to pack up and get out taking nothing of his. I would wonder if, even though not a battered wife, you can contact that organization and they would be willing to help you get out of this situation. Go to Social Services and see if they can set you up in a motel.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to JoAnn29

AmberM925, welcome to the forum. Please take a few minutes and fill out the profile. When information is missing it makes it harder for us to answer your questions. Such as, is this person your significant other? A friend? What are his medical issues that he needs a caregiver?

Has this person been tested for an Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) as such an infection can cause this type of behavior.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to freqflyer

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