
Is it possible to become a caregiver for my mother and also get paid? I can't work while also having to take care of my mother. There are  no other siblings but me. With the way the economy is it's getting harder and harder to buy groceries, pay for medications and also take care of my mother. My husband and I have been doing it for probably 7 or 8 years now. Please help! Thanks.

We don't know your circumstances, or your mom, and don't know how she will qualify for state programs. So this is something you must research for yourself.
I would start with the question as to whether she is on Medicaid or not. And if she is, whether she would qualify mentally/physically for inhome help and whether you state program will allow you to act for her.
If your mom has savings then it's up to her really to pay you for care if she is able.

At best, care payments by the government, state and/or federal, isn't enough to sustain a lifestyle. If your Mom passes you may be alone, without job or job history, and we have had in the past to recommend to posters that they move to a shelter.

Be certain, if mom DOES pay you for care, to keep a good paper trail as should she ever need to apply to Medicaid it is important that she can pass the 5 years without gifting qualifications. It can't look as though she is giving you money.

I wish you the best and hope you find the information you are looking for.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

It might be time to have your mother apply for Medicaid and be placed in a Medicaid facility so you can get back to work and she can be taken care of 24/7 and you can get back to just being her loving daughter and advocate and not her stressed out and broke caregiver.
Your mother will only continue to get worse and you now need to not only do what is best for her but also what is best for you and your husband.
And until you get her placed you can call 211 to find out what resources may be available in your area to help.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59

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