
Mostly controlling my emotions, and perhaps some paranoia.

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Can you tell us more.
You say you are scared.
Please give us some specifics.
For instance:
Are you scared you will fall and break bones again?
Are you scared you are less strong and more vulnerable when out and about?
Are you scared of something that in your own mind makes no sense to be scared of?

It makes a good deal of difference what you are afraid of.
The things I mentioned above would be normal to be afraid of.
It takes a long time to recover and feel strong enough.

However, if you are having feelings of paranoia, that isn't normal and you need to check in with your doc through urgent care.
You could have a hospital acquired UTI infection from catheterization, or even some problems with having had general anesthesia.
So gather complete information on a list and off you go to urgent care.
I am hopeful you have help of friends of family?

Hope you will update us.
Helpful Answer (1)

Fracturing a hip is serious. Were you operated on? As we age, the anesthesia effects us more. Takes longer to leave the body. Its good you recognize these problems. Now you see your PCP.
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Jeannie, welcome!

This must be quite alarming, and I'm so sorry.

Did you go to rehab after your fracture? Have you seen your regular doctor recently?

I would start by calling your PCP and tell the scheduler that you have an urgent issue. Get seen and tell your doc how you are feeling.

I would also get yourself tested for a urinary tract infection right away. These can cause emotional and behavioral symptoms as we age, even with no other symptoms.

Please check back in here soon.

We care!
Helpful Answer (1)

I am sorry you are having this trouble.

How recent is your hip fracture? Have you had recent surgery?

Are you taking pain relief medication?

Are you alone or staying with anyone? Is there someone you can call if you need immediate help?
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Ask Your pcp for an antidepressant.
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