My mom is one of the worst people you will ever meet, I hate to say. She is controlling, demanding, cruel and has dominated my dad for years. My dad's teeth are rotting and she says "I can't afford to get him dentures," but they have the money and he is the only one that ever earned it, to boot. I'm trying to find something in Florida Law that basically says that "one spouse may not deny the other the care they deserve." I'm about to go make it happen anyway, but I'd like to have something to show her just to prove the point. I consider what she is doing as elder abuse. Thanks!
Perhaps you could point out to her that if it comes to light that he has a head full of rotting teeth - a trip to the ER, an inquisitive GP wondering what that terrible smell is - the finger of blame and shame will point straight at her. How will she live with it, knowing that everyone thinks she's a terrible, neglectful, idle wife?
I only hope the narcissist is not on his bank account! If she is, she's not entitled to it and she should be removed from his account and any assets he rightfully owns. You mentioned he was the breadwinner and she didn't work. Her narcissistic behavior may very well have something to do with it. If she wasn't legitimately disabled somehow and couldn't work, then she was a leech all this time. She probably only wants all the money to herself.
From your description, I see exactly what's going on:
* She's an abusive gold-digger deliberately neglecting his care so he'll die sooner of some kind of illness so she can cash in. In some cases, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if people like this can possibly be charged with murder or even attempted murder. Yes, a mouthful full of rotting teeth is a life-threatening situation where someone can die a slow death after prolonged and unnecessary suffering.
* She may also have Munchhausen by proxy syndrome. Abusers deliberately inflict illness or injury on their victims for sympathy and attention. My mom did this to me. You may want to delve into her social life to see who all they know and see what they say. That will tell you for sure.
If she's on any accounts or assets he rightfully owns, her name should be immediately removed and further yet, she should be removed from the home. Anything she bought with his money, it should be confiscated and sold and the money returned to him after she's gone from the home. She should possibly even be arrested, which would be a very good opportunity for the family to evict her from the home and sell what she owns that came from his money. She was never entitled to a dime of that money if she wasn't contributing to the household.
Someone was wondering if she benefits financially when he dies, and my answer for that would be probably since she is his wife but hopefully not much longer if she's abusing him and has for quite some time. if she benefits financially when he dies, any arrangements on her behalf should be overturned. Wheels should be changed and any life insurance policy beneficiary with her name on it should also be changed. Totally write her out of everything.
She doesn't deserve him if she's abusing him. Abusers don't deserve that kind of closeness with anyone if they're only going to turn around and abuse them. Furthermore, she's not entitled to another dime of his money. The bills are only paid because of him, make her on her own money, make her get a job! Her age doesn't matter, there are jobs older people can do and still earn money. You may also want to alert Social Security about her if it's found out she's abusing him financially and in other ways and there's documentation or proof to back it up. Social Security should be alerted to her so they won't give her no money either. Yes, definitely call Social Security but have documentation or proof to back it up especially if he happens to be getting Social Security and he's leaching that money off of him. They can put his money into a new account without her name on it. Someone in the family who is trusted can be his trustee or POA. Don't give her another dime and don't let him give her any money either. Don't provide another thing for her, doing so is just enabling her to continue bad behavior. Please tell me she's not on those accounts and if so she will be immediately removed from that and all other assets he bought with his money.
Providing for one's own household is one thing, but being abused while doing it is another, and it should be immediately stopped. She doesn't appreciate it and never did, so now she needs to face the music and pay the consequences for her bad choices
Take your dad to the dentist. Ignore mom. She's going to be mad, no matter what. Dad is probably in pain and just keeps quiet.
Keep on taking him to the dentist until he has implants, crowns, dentures--whatever. Find a dentist who will work with you. If dad can still write checks, he can pay. If mom squawks--tell her you'll call APS, and mean it.