My whole life revolves around her every want and need. I have no life besides taking care of mom. Family either doesn't live nearby or aren't available to offer help. I manage to get away to work by having a caretaker stay with her Monday-Friday. What can I do to get some time for me?
She gets mad at me and tells me to get out her house. I can't afford to move out because I can't afford to hire the caretakers she needs if I were to move out. She treats me like hired help. She never sees or understands that I have sacrificed my entire life to care for her.
I get very depressed because I know the situation will only get worse as her disease progresses. I know I have days ahead that will be like yours. I tried going to a counselor and all she can tell me is that I have to treat her as an irrational 3 year old. She may be childlike in her behavior but you can't respond to her like you would a child.
Thanks again for your info.
In our own situations with what is realistically available within the context of our lives, and how comfortable we are with not or stopping walking on eggshells, we need to take some steps to get freedom from the overwhelming sense of Fear Obligation Guilt that has either come from how our parent's programed us, or some relative in our lives or from somewhere else that keeps us from finding ways to take better care of ourselves and set some healthy boundaries instead of thinking we are bad or selfish for doing so.
I love the support that I get here and I enjoy offering support. The more I read of other's stories, the more I find that it seems that one of my purposes for being here is being a F.O.G. buster.
Bottom line of what I want to offer: Yes they are our parents; yes, we feel stressed by the extra burden placed on us and they appear to be ungrateful, and yes the stress we feel turns us into people we do not recognize....BUT in the end, you still need to decide how much energy will you put forth fighting something you cannot control (your parent's health and their behavior) and how much energy can you re-channel to keeping the qualities you like most about yourself with yourself. I have been up and down with mom, but I am getting better at just moving forward...which is what we all have to do. Take care everyone.
I remember the quick downward spirial that my mother went into last March after finally agreeing to give me Durable POA. I sure wish she had done that earlier and asked for my help with taxes that I learned last February were secretly past due since 2004. I remember well what the drama of those weeks which esclated with many ups and downs until around the middle of the fall things became a bit more stable.
It sounds like you have become the person who now must make the dicisions that your parents avoided making. That's tough and I feel for you.
When my family was going thorugh an extremely rough time several years ago, I tried to be therapist for my boys, but while that was good for us in becoming closer, we later realized that we were all sinking as I was less and less able to be their rock. Thus, I got them to their own therapists 6 years ago and it's helped them much.
Yes, your close geographical location does make it more difficult to not absorb their emotions to the point of what they are feeling becomes how you are feeling, but that can't be solved by distance alone. I assume your parents have medicare A and B. Do either of them have any helath insurance from prior work experience?
It sounds like you could really use a third party to work through what your mom needs and what your dad needs and what can realitically be done. I wonder if someone from home health would come out and assess the situation and give you some optoins?
Right now you basically sound like I felt last year around this time and for a good while longer. As my mom's only child, all I could see was 5 years of past due taxes; a stepdad in a whieel chair as well as disbelif; and some step-siblings who did not seem to care that their dad was also 5 years behind in taxes. I had all the legal authority that I needed with both Durable and Medical POA, but it was like I was both overwhlemed by the situation and not entirely taking hold of the reigns with the tools in my hands. When you are looking a potentional IRS tax bill from 2004 with penaltieis and interest of $94,000 it gets your attention. My therapist helped me just take one part of this mountian at a time, get proactive in my communication with my step-dad and step-siblings which probably has made them feel like I'm going great guns and should give me the nickname of Rambo Crowe. Anyhow, The new CPA I hired back in September has completed tax years '05, '06, '07 and the plan is to finish '08 in March and '09 in April. It's been a royal nightmare finding all of the documents needed, etc. We've had one more letter about the 2006 return looking like another $90,000 plus. However, both '04 and '06 ended up beeing far less once we got all of the information together.
This was all done with me making several to where they live an hour away. Plus, I and my wife are both on full disability, and we have two teenage boys. This whole journey and my bipolar II which is the depressive kind have not gotten along with each other too well. Nor has this been a smooth emotional journey with the family or origin issues related more to my mother, but also with my dad that I'm deeply into right now.
So, it was a major turning point for me last week when I could finally clean my "Man Cave" and restore it to both being clean and orderly which included putting two years of my mom's financial info in containers outside of this room. As long as this room is ok, I feel like I can deal with the drama of my own family as well as the drama of my mother and step-dad, but this room falling apart went along with me fallling apart. One thing that also bothered me was not knowing where my mother's will so I woud see who the esecutor is. Well, since finding it back around Sept or so, I have the peace of mind knowing that if mom dies before taxes are caught up, we will still move foraward with the taxes because I'm the designation executor of the estate.
So, yes you are not alone. You will make it. Just try as hard as it is to take this moutain one peice at a time. Try to be both aware of how your parent's are feeling without being controlled by those feelings because you have absorbed them into yourself if that's taking place. You very well might have to have some discussions which are going to be rough and probably need to begin with "I'm sure this is going to be something that is not easy for either of us to talk about, but we really must talk about this now" with out the I wish ya'll had done this or I had pushed you do do that long ago. Somewhere on this site is my poem Path through trajic Pain. I think it might help. If you can't find it here, just google Path Through Trajic Pain and you wil find it.
Hang in there and know that we are all rooting for you for we understand right where you are and truly you are not alone.
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