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Why can't you put your child to bed when you want to? Can't you and the child leave the room? You in-laws did not come to visit you. Carry on with your own responsibilities.
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bundleofjoy Feb 2022
i guess we'll find out at some point: but my guess regarding your question "Why can't you put your child to bed when you want to?" 

because the story is fake.

it's full of inconsistencies, because people who post fake stories can't be bothered to keep the "facts" straight.
they lure people into replying...add some more fake "facts"...then eventually disappear.
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First when they say they will visit any time they like. I think the answer in this equation is visit. My answer is you are welcome to visit dad anytime you like between the hours of…….. this IS my house and I WILL not have my child’s bedtime disrupted. I’m sorry if this is inconvenient for you. This IS NO LONGER the family homestead. It hasn’t been for 10 years. This is our home. Please respect us and our family along with your dad. We welcome you into our home gladly. We would welcome if you would like to take dad out after the hour of 8pm. But he will not be entertaining here after the hour of 8pm. I’m sorry you have your panties in a wad. That is not our problem. So you know this is a statement not a debate. It is not open to compromise. I thank you for respecting us and our home. Family is important to us and to dad. Dad enjoys your company.
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OK, so just to clarify I am NOT FAKE!!! I haven't been on here as life has been pretty hectic at the moment and logging on here was not something I had time for.
I can actually understand why some of you thought this might be fake. The reason for the difference between MIL and FIL etc is that I was afraid some of the family members might be on this site so maybe I should change the sex, and after I typed the initial heading and message I went back and changed the MIL to FIL etc and just never thought to change the heading. I am not even in the USA so I know now that none of the family were ever going to be on this forum.
Anyway, just thought I would put all you minds at ease.
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Dear Purple73,

I hope your husband is able to set his entitled family straight, so you aren’t taken advantage of, or treated like dirt going forward.

If your husband isn’t able to take control of the situation with his troublemaking family who think they should have 24/7 access to YOUR HOUSE, the two of you and your sweet toddler might need to sell up and buy a different home. That would take care of the entitled family — one trouble sorted!

Looking ahead, your father-in-law will at some point become too much for you to handle as sole caretaker. He will overwhelm you with his needs which will become harder and harder and grosser and grosser to take care of. You must start efforts to find an elder-care facility of some sort for him. Why? Because:

Taking care of your failing FIL will take away your time and love and effort given to your own toddler, and your toddler is the most important person in the equation. Do not destroy your child’s childhood and mental health and security by ignoring the child (and I guarantee that will happen, no matter what you think right now) in favor of paying all your attention to your FIL while trying unsuccessfully to deflect all the crap thrown at you by the extended family.

All you have to do is read the thousands of horror-stories offered by other blog posters on this site. They have been in your same position and they warn of the dangers. If you let this situation continue as you’ve described it, disaster will be your reward. Not only will your child get screwed up, but your own health will be damaged, and quite possibly your marriage damaged beyond repair. You will spend all your time trying to keep a frail old man well, while fielding accusations and complaints from his blood family. You will have no time or love left to give to your child, your husband, or yourself.

Start making plans now to place the father-in-law in an elder-care home, and/or consider selling the house to shut down the obnoxious relatives.

Good luck, and please let us know how your husband’s meeting with his family went. Did he get the message through their selfish, thick skulls?


Oh yes: as other posters commented, get your locks changed ASAP! You don’t know how many keys are floating around in the family, so don’t take a chance: change the locks today!
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