
Does anyone have ideas on how to streamline grocery shopping and meal planning?

My mom has 2 main caregivers who cook for her- my mom is 24 hour care.

I’ve been doing the grocery shopping and I’m finding I’m running to the store too often. I’m thinking of buying the Walmart delivery subscription.

My mom eats a lot of frozen meals during the week and it’s mainly the weekend where I feel like I need a monthly meal plan with recurring meals every other weekend with a set grocery list. Any other ideas?

I’m honestly just worn out from all the aspects of managing care- groceries and meals are the last thing I want to keep track of.

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Lakegirl: You write "I’ve been hesitant to let them regularly grocery shop because then I have to keep track of receipts and reimbursement." Would buying a Grocery Card (works like a debit card I believe) help? Never done this myself, but I think most stores sell these, no?
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The Walmart delivery plan is a great option. I have it. I place the order online, and it can be at my house that day. You could buy as many things already cooked as possible. Deli subs. Rotisserie chicken. Marie Callender. The Walmart people select items as well as I would. The cost of the plan and the tips are well worth it. I don't have to spend money on gas for shopping. I don't have to fight the crowds or self- checkout. I don't have to be coughed on by the person behind me in line. I don't have to load my groceries into the car or unload them at home.

I don't go in a grocery store - ever. I buy for two weeks at a time. I highly recommend it.
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Mom is on a special diet.

We have one caregiver physically go to the grocery once a week with a list.

We have another caregiver prepare all of Mom's foods once a week on Wednesday mornings.
It takes her about 3 hours to cook everything for the week.

We then microwave Mom's foods at each meal.

Mom's diet consists of protein, veggie, starch (sweet potato, rice, mashed potatoes.) this is lunch and dinner

Breakfast is: fruit, eggs and bacon (prepared fresh each morning) and gluten free toast with butter and jam
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The Walmart+ delivery service is fantastic! I've used it since June for weekly grocery delivery and free shipping on other items, and it's very convenient. You can keep a running list on the website, pick a 1 hour delivery window, order hot rotisserie chickens, and make life a whole lot easier. Sit down with the caregivers and figure out a simple weekly menu, then order it for delivery. Think about small spiral cut hams too, which are Sam's brand and not salty, which can be used for a variety of different meals. Crockpot soups and meals are terrific and can be frozen for later use. Just order the groceries, have the CGs put the ingredients in the crockpot in the morning, and dinner is ready! Leftovers can be frozen or served for lunch or another dinner later in the week.

Good luck to you.
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Fawnby Feb 2024
Lea, you and I are of the same mindset. I'm so glad I can shop from home! And we eat very well. :-)
Do the caregivers do the meal prep and cooking?
Make a monthly or bi weekly menu planning.
Shop for those items and the caregivers can make and prep several meals and portion them and freeze for later in the week.
Can 1 of the caregivers do the shopping when mom is napping or otherwise occupied so 1 caregiver is all that is needed for an hour or two? You can order the food and all they have to do is do Curbside Pick Up.
With 2 caregivers I do not think you should have to do the grocery shopping.
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Lakegirl2 Feb 2024
Thank you for the suggestions. Only 1 caregiver works at a time. I’ve been hesitant to let them regularly grocery shop because then I have to keep track of receipts and reimbursement.
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