My brother has the Fianancial POA, I have the medical one. Mom recently had issues with the nursing home not bathing her enough. I called the state on them, and it seems to be working ok. My brother thinks that it would be best to move mom to Colorado where he lives, and I live in Missouri. I am not welcome to stay in his home and would have expenses to travel to see Mom. Both parents moved here 2-1/4 years ago. Dad passed away Nov 2017, and I have been her only visitor. I drove Mom out to Colorado last May, so it has been almost a year since he has seen Mom. Money is not a problem for my brother. He said he will fight me for her Medical POA. He thinks that because he lives in a wealthy area, that her care will be the best, and that she will see more of his family. His wife and children never ask me to skype so they can see Mom. He doesn't ask to skype. I try to call him by Skype to let Mom see him. Mom turned 90 on Oct 13, 2018 and he never came out for her then either. Can he just take her and move her to another state without my approval? This is very stressful on me. What can I do?