I added low dose of temazapan to help her sleep. I need to lower her abilify but don't think 1.5 is correct I think I should start T 1.9 for a month a then 1.8. Had medicine compounded but afraid to try because of everything I read about withdrawals. Anyone have any experience with this. She did have HBP but not since abilify we have to have her legs up so she stabilizes at 165/60 and she enjoys life. But in think 2mg is a bit too much cause sometimes she gets a bit manic and then wears herself out and just collapses and is non responsive for a while. Sometimes her bp drops too low any advise besides seeing an elder psychiatrist. We've done that already. Says we are pioneers in this.
Dr. Brad Boeve, a researcher and behavioral neurologist at Mayo Clinics, has prepared a long technical paper on treating LBD. It is meant for clinicians, but as a pioneer you might find it useful in your discussions with doctors. The doctors may find it useful, at least if they concur there is a possibility this is LBD. Near the end is a nifty chart about medications that have shown to be useful in treating various symptoms of LBD. The paper, usually referred to as the Continuum, is provided by the LBD Association here:
(AgingCare ususaly allows org website addresses, but it if gets deleted, search for Brad Boeve Continuum)
Boeve says it is not necessary to treat hallucinations at all unless they are disturbing to the person who has them. He lists 9 medications that could be tried if they are bothersome. Abilify is not on the list so I can't help with doses.
Was your mom on Lexapro before the dementia diagnosis? Does she have major depressive disorder?
Five drugs for insomnia are listed in the Boeve paper.
Keep us updated on your pioneering efforts!