
My mom is living in a nursing home after a recent surgery with complications. I have her mailing address as mine (not just forwarding, but changed her address.) She still has a vacant home in a nearby town. I am POA and have been taking care of her bills. Once in a while I need to write a check. Her checks have her old address on there. Should I order new ones with my address, her nursing home address, or just leave them as they are?

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My hubs is PoA for his mom in a LTC facility. We have our address on her checks and have never had a problem with this. Or, you could put Mom's Name, c/o Your Name, your address.
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All mail is currently forwarded to you. For her banking and check needs use your address, where all her financial work and bills go to and come from.
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If there is a fee to order new checks I would just use the old ones and change the address to your address. It might actually be easier to bank on line. Checks will be electronically sent and you do not have to physically write a check or mail it.
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I use LO’s legal signature, my legal signature, my mailing address.

Her other POA is still using her old address, but only writes one check/month.

No trouble either way, yet, but I think using her old address is wrong.
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disgustedtoo Dec 2020
Wrong? In this case why? She does still own the house, so it isn't like the checks have someone else's address on them. Also, the address is really only useful to someone if the checks bounce. Otherwise, it is the account # that is important.

Initially I only changed the mailing address for mom's checks, but I had to stop statements going to her and avoid her getting into all other banking (to mess it up!) So, the next round of new checks came with my PO box. As we planned to sell her condo, ALL addresses needed to be changed (fun stuff with federal mail, such as IRS, VA, SS, and pension - none accept POAs!)

FWIW - one of my own accounts is rarely used, so I have MANY checks left with my old address on them. Moved 6 years ago. IF I use those checks and IF I remember, I cross out the address and write in my PO Box and new town. No one cares unless the check bounces. Worst case, the entity the check is written to uses that address to sell her info to those data mines who make money selling addresses for {mostly} junk mail. Good, the junk won't come to you!
I don't think you even need to put an address on a check. But I would use the address the bills go to. I would not want any mail going to the NH.
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JoAnn29 Dec 2020
I do have to say, mail did go to the NH but that was Medicaid paperwork only. I did sign a form saying that the NH had the right to look at her mail, taking anything they needed for her care which was Medicaid. All her bills came to my address to get paid.
My life and place of residence was in such upheaval after caring for mom (never knew where I would be next or for how long) I stopped putting an address on my checks. They are still without address. I use them so infrequently now, only occasional through the mail. The checks are always accepted, without problem.
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jacobsonbob Dec 2020
I've moved a few times, and use relatively few checks (and never for in-person shopping), so the ones I'm using have an out-of-state address (PO Box) for a city in which I haven't lived since 1995 (with "19__" in the space for the date). I've never run into any issues using them. However, I wasn't the POA for my parents; my sister had that function and opened a special account for them, adding her name as POA/Trustee.

An old checkbook I had, from my undergraduate years, still had "1-2-5-10-20-50-100-Large" on the back of the deposit slips to indicate the denominations of paper money deposited. Now that "large" denominations are collector's items, they're unlikely to be deposited.
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Squatch33, I haven't had an address on my checks in over 30 years, neither did my parents even longer. Also, we never had our first or middle names on our checks, just initials.

I remember way back when one had their home address, their telephone number, and their social security number.

When it came time for me to handle my Dad's bills, Dad and I went to the bank where Dad asked the bank that I be a co-signed on his checks. Thus the new checks read "J. Benny or C. Benny Kadiddlehopper".

All of my Dad's mail was forward to me, and I did change of address to the important items. No mail to the senior facility as Dad thought every piece of mail was "junk mail" including bills :P
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jacobsonbob Dec 2020
Some people put their driver's license number on them, particularly those who pay by check when shopping in person.
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When I took over my mom's finances after I moved her into an ALF in 2015, she had quite a few checks left. I didn't want to waste them because I also knew I couldn't just throw them in the garbage and they would have to be shredded. So I used them up by crossing out the old address and using my address stamper beside it.

Once I used them up and it was time to reorder, I had my address imprinted on them since I get and pay all her bills. I never have anything go to her facility. I only give her facility address to her siblings and when filling out paperwork for mobile doctors otherwise, I've done what you've done - I filled out a "change of address" form through the USPS in order for me to receive all her mail. I've never had a problem. Same went for the separate checking account I had to set up for her Social Security checks to be used for her rent payments when I had to apply to become her Representative Payee. Those checks have her name and my address on them and then I sign as her custodian.
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disgustedtoo Dec 2020
Curious - you say you use the checks to "pay the rent". Is that the only thing you use it for? Generally "rent" is much more than anything SS pays. I only ask because after the yearly reporting last year, they sent a letter questioning why I only spent it on the housing/food, because people have other needs and wants. I laughed at this! I purposely use ALL the SS plus a check from her reg acct which is pension and trust funds. Easier to keep track.

In my response, I said the pension and SS don't even cover half of her "rent", the trust funds cover the rest and anything else that needs to be paid (mostly supplies.) It's not like she's going on vaca someplace, or needs to buy a lot of stuff! She's 96 (at the time) with dementia, little to no hearing, soon to lose vision, in a wheelchair, where do they think she's going, New Zealand???

Doing payments MY way means I only have to account for trust fund usage to my brothers. They don't ask about it or mom, so they can stuff it!
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Leave them as they are until you run out, then put your addresd
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Your address. It will make it easier to pay bills and you also need to go ahead and have your name put on her checking and savings account. Because I will tell you as soon as she passes everything closes up unless your names on it you will not be able to touch a dime in that account to pay for anything that she may or may not owe our pay for the funeral or anything else. I learn remind mistakes.
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Assuming your POA allows you to administer her bank account, you should order new checks with your address on them thus:

[Mrs Squatch33's Mother]
℅ Squelch33
Your address
Your address
Your zip code

Do you expect her to become permanently resident in the nursing home?
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I used my father's name at my address on everything he had. Mail that went to the assisted living was misplaced by him. I'd find a big stash of mail once every other month. Just safer to have everything sent to you.
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I didn’t have POA for most of the time my husband was in a rehab/nursing home. Various medical bills were sent there, however, and were not forwarded to me, which meant I never know about them until they had been sent into collections. (They got the address from the hospital, they said.) Don’t put the nursing home address on the checks!
As suggested, use her name,in care of you at your address.
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I am in Vermont I have my dads name down then my name as guardian with my address. I was thinking the bank suggested it or I read it in one of the court check list ?
good luck
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Jasmina Dec 2020
Your name should be under primary person's name.
Can you pay those bills online? Better to do all transactions online. You can eat her banking info online and add you as a person to tranfer monies. You can also use her debit card as a credit card. I would not write checks for her at all. You can pay bills online or over the phone with het debit card.
If you must write a check, I would use your address. That way all correspondence comes to you.
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I am a POA for Mom who is at ALF. I created a separate account for Mom’s expenses with my address on the checks. I have all mails coming to my house since I plan to sell Mom’s.
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Omit the address. Unless they people the checks go to need her address, there is no need for that information to be on her checks.
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I have been my mother’s POA since shortly after Dad passed away. Mom has dementia and has a habit of losing things (3 checkbooks; 3 sets of hearing aids, etc.). When we added my name to her account, we substituted my address. All her mail comes to me. She is now in AL and this has worked very well. I put her credit card and other few bills on autopay with my address as her legal address.
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You don’t think you have to put an address on the checks but just a name. However if you want to probably best to use yours
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Yes, put your address on the checks, credit cards and any other correspondence; make your address her permanent address. . It will prevent a lot of problems as time goes on, and you will be sure to get all of her mail instead of it being forwarded.
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OP here. Thanks all! I didn't realize you didn't actually need an address on checks. I haven't written one myself for years.

I'll probably just continue to use her checks as they are and cross out the address and put mine. All her bills are done online and, ironically, the only check I write is for her nursing home bill. I think they know where to find her :)
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Countrymouse Dec 2020
I certainly hope they do! :)
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I have all mail, checks, everything with my address. I’m PoA.
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Put her reg address on there. Not nursing home! You can call & get important bills/checks/info sent to you. Get the mail forwarded to you or get a to keep mail safe. Post office will ask you for poa paperwork. Make sure you take it with you. You can do it online but make sure you go in to that post office, and give them paperwork. Bc its illegal otherwise. Dont let mail build up in mailbox. My parents had their mail stolen mult times. It was someone looking for checks. So I had to forward it. Also they will not forward the taxes. Get them to send that to you. That is important bc a neighbor can pay that and try to do adverse possession/quick deed. You want to call her tax office immediately. Dont let that one go.

Do not leave that house vacant!!! Believe me the neighbors know and are watching. And do not EVER tell 1 neighbor anyone is in the hospital/not there!!!!!! EVER. They will tell all the neighbors and go over and break in looking for valuables. And more than 1x. They will keep coming back knowing they aren't going to get caught. I had them doing it weekly until I out cameras up. They would do it early morn/late at nite.

My sibling said she was poa/executor. No paperwork to prove it. Let parents property sit. Change out/leave diff vehicles and lights on/get timers. Get solar motion lights. Put up fake cameras or better yet real ones. Show up at diff times. Very early morning & late eve.
Do not turn heat/or elec off in house. If heat ever goes out it will rot the floors from moisture wicking up thru basement. Pipes will burst if heat not hi enuff. Shut water off. My sibling stopped paying bills for elec/heat. At least 2yrs maybe more. Entire first floor was rotted had to be replaced.

If house is paid for, you might not have home owners insurance. Make sure you do. They dont want to insure a vacant property. Get someone to rent it or live there. Spend a night or 2 there every once in awhile if you can. Make it look like someone is there. Leave a TV on at night. Put on timer.
I am having all sorts of problems with neighbors. Since they assumed it was abandoned.
You might want to get car insurance canceled. See what is coming automatically out of checking account and get it canceled. You could be hemoraging money from automatic bills no longer needed. My sibling had car insurance, phone/wifi coming out of checking for yrs. Dont let moms car sit. It might not start. It will pay for her care. Move car around on the property. In garage, close to house, out towards street etc. Cars sitting will get mice too. These are things people don't think about. Get roof of house checked. The shingles needed to be replaced. Now there is a roof leak. The elderly dont get house roof checked for probably last 20yrs of their life. They tend to let things go. And then poa get overwhelmed taking over bills, runs to hospital, nursing home trying to keep up.. Good luck.
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gdaughter Dec 2020
I had a PO BOX established prior, but have added mom and dad (with whom I live) added to the name on the box; We do all share the same last name. No problems. Mom has dementia and mail to the house can be taken by her, thrown out, ripped up etc. Also, when ordering checks for them (and I am POA and the bank has the paperwork etc)they turned it into a major hassle at the bank because I wanted to make sure the checks did NOT arrive at the house. Mom has not paid bills or written checks for years now, but she could take and hide them....I was even agreeable to the checks being sent to the bank for my dad or me to pick up. Major issue. In the end I used Costco and it was no problem at all.
Imho, NEVER put the NH's address.
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Do not put her name at the nursing home. All mail will be lost. God forbid. I am a power of attorney and what I would do is this:

Name of patient (mother's name)
c/o My name, I am the POA (show my name)
My address

And I would have an account set up with the bank accordingly.
Name of patient, c/o my name, POA, my address.

Sign checks with your name. Underneath write, POA for name of
patient. Never, ever had a problem.
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