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I agree , try looking into subsidized senior housing --- it is based upon your income. Or, can you find a shared living arrangement? Also, seek other assistance through your county office of aging. You may qualify for SNAP (food stamps); utility assistance (LIHEAP), prescription assistance, etc. Things like food pantries can help stretch your food budget.
You indicate a need for lower rent, what about your other expenses? Are there things you can cut or reduce? I once coached a woman having problems meeting expenses. She was 3 months behind in her rent. But when she printed out her debit card activity for the previous month, it indicated the woman was spending a huge slice of her income on eating out. You might try looking at your entire spending patterns.
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You need to provide more information.

Where do you live?

Are you employed, unemployed or retired?

Are you single?

Do you have pets?

Do you need an adaptive apartment?

Where I live be subsidized seniors housing is available to those over 60. You have to pay 1/3 of your before tax income. So you may not have much more in your pocket.

Why is $1000 a month after rent not enough to live on? Is there any way to reduce your expenses?
Helpful Answer (2)

Sheila678, if you are making $1700 per month, sounds like you work a full 40 hour week at $10.00/hr. Is that correct? I assume the $1700 is after payroll taxes, or are you self-employed? Does your place of work give you health care insurance? Or do you have to buy your own insurance? Hopefully you are on ACA [Obamacare] where you can purchase affordable health care insurance.

Yes, you do need to find a rental that is much less expensive, as the rule of thumb is 1/4 of your monthly income goes into rent/mortgage. Search for a senior apartment were the rents are based on one's income as other above had mentioned. Nothing too far from where you work. Or search for a room-mate situation where you can rent a room with kitchen/laundry privileges.

And you need to start doing a budget to help manage your income as I bet very little is going into savings. Start cutting coupons, I have been doing that for decades, and it does help. The Sunday newspaper is a good source for coupons. Ok, I know you would need to buy the Sunday newspaper but the coupons are worth more than you pay for the newspaper.

Cut back on cable TV unless it is included in your rent. What about your cellphone, if you have one. I still use a flip phone.

If you go shopping and find some really good sales, it is not a sale unless you really really need the item.

As for grocery, I find I can be just as happy eating two fried eggs with toast for supper. Who says no one can have breakfast for dinner :P
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What about sharing expenses with a housemate?
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How about increasing your income? Get a part-time job.
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