Hi again allI wrote last week about my mom being placed in a SNF after a fracture and surgery, and her inability to get used to it. She finally did.
However yesterday I witnessed an absolute nightmare. My sister came to town and we went in to see her and she spouted absolute nonsense and gibberish words. She thought our dog was with me, talked about people I'd never heard of before, told us not to turn her upside down. You can see where this is going. She of course did the lashing out at me, sounding desperate, all that. I know what's talking, and I have a thick skin.
I want to hope it's medication - particularly pain ones, that are doing this, but this appeared to be dementia. Nothing more or less. My sister and her husband were shocked when we went out to the parking lot.
Mom will be placed after this is all over, but is a sudden cognitive decline possible? Literally Friday she was fine. Saturday she didn't make one bit of sense. Not much today either. And she had a lot of pain, which the place controlled. This SNF is an absolute miracle. I can't say enough about it.
Your thoughts are appreciated.
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