
Her 2 front teeth that were crowns have mysteriously disappeared. She is incontinent and I’m not loving the idea of a dentist and what may happen. She gets agitated just from a shower. She’s still vain though ! Thoughts on what do about teeth? Eating great. Just embarrassed when she is aware.

Find Care & Housing
I think we're all vain when it comes to missing our two front teeth, to be honest. If this were my mom, I'd call the dentist who made the crowns originally to see if duplicates could be made. If that's not possible and she's in managed care, call a mobile dentist to come in to take a mold and make new teeth. You can do that if she's at home too. It's expensive but worth it, imo. The elder is worked on in their comfort of their own recliner.

Good luck.
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Reply to lealonnie1
Geaton777 Dec 23, 2024
Yes, totally agree. I'm going to spend my hard earned retirement funds on keeping my teeth looking and working as good as possible. I told my sons I don't want to look like an abandoned house with broken windows when it comes to my teeth and dental care. For me it's part of retaining my dignity. Within reason.
I would start with talking to her facility. Have they any ideas or recommendations. Often they know dentists who specifically work with mild sedation. I can't know how complicated this might be, and it may be well to just leave this alone no matter how vain she is unless she is constantly agitated about it. If this requires extensive work and fitting, and more than a few visits, and removal of the core of the tooth with then denture pieces that are removable? It all sounds a perfect mess when the truth is that this may be something she cares about less and less given what Lewy's does to us.

I don't have a good answer. Speak with your dentist, you her dentist, or with the admin personnel where she currently resides and hope for some good advice. I know when they worried about pulling my 80 year old wisdom tooth because of long curving roots and the possibility of it's cracking off or breaking my jaw they sent me to a specialist who had all SORTS of lovely sedation processes. As to the incontinence you can put on her usual wear for that problem and let the staff know the problem so they can arrange a padded seat.

Best of luck. Hope you'll update us what you decide.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

I am with lea, maybe her dentist can get replacements.
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Reply to JoAnn29

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