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What is preventing you from bringing her to your home? Just please go into that with your eyes W-I-D-E open because your days will eventually revolve around her care 100%. Even if it were this something you wish to do, or can do realistically? You may want to consider AL even if she doesn't want can only do what works for both of you, not just her. Are you her durable PoA? This needs to be a condition of you assuming more of her care. It will be difficult without it.
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You're the one in charge of how often you go visit your mother. If she wants to live 'independently' but that means she needs help every single day, then she's not living 'independently' at ALL but DEPENDENTLY on HER terms, not yours. If you want her to move in with you, like Geaton said, please try to go into it with your eyes WIDE open. Which is really impossible. It's like telling a new mother to go into motherhood with HER eyes 'wide open', when in reality, a new mother cannot possibly know what an undertaking it really IS to have a newborn in the house 24/7. Much the same with having an elder in your home 24/7, but with bigger issues and a much bigger body to contend with, who's talking and complaining and and and.

Good luck!
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Don’t move her into your house!! You will have to cater to her needs 24/7. Your mother can hire home health aids to come to her house to help her. You don’t have to drop everything and go to her house every single day. Your world doesn’t revolve around MOM. You have your own life to live.
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