My last immediate family member. I am bereft by her loss and live an an empty, dark house. It will take months, if not years, to adjust to the "aloneness". However, I am humbled by the love and support given by my extended family members of cousins and friends. I could not have asked for a more loving exit for my mother -- at home in her bed with my cousin and I offering a prayer during her transition. Thank you all for educating me and supporting me during the long, long time in caring for my parents. Looking back now, I'm glad I did it; this doesn't diminish the long days and nights of caregiving. It is horrific because you never know what emergency, illness, care issue (for example, being told the hospital bed would be picked up bc the patient was now under the care of a different organization) is to be faced that day. Thank you all again. I will likely pop in from time-to-time. May your 2025 be healthy and may you find some happiness despite the pain of caregiving. Much love to you all.
I hope that you will seek out some grief counseling because this much I know, your mom would not want you lingering in your grief over her death, but would want you moving forward now in a healthy way and living and enjoying your life.
Greif Share is a free support group that meets all over the US, so please Google to see where one is near you.
And please add some much needed light to your "dark house" as nothing is more depressing than darkness.
I wish you well as you journey on now without your immediate family members.
And make them all proud by living your best life!
God bless you.
Wishing you peace in your heart and courage to face the upcoming days of grief with the knowledge you were a great daughter to your parents. Look for signs that mom is safe and happy on the Other Side and protecting YOU now.
I'm glad for your sake that you have extended family and friends to help you.
I hope that your aloneness doesn't last long.
I'm sending prayers your way.
Now you need to shift your caregiving to yourself.
What did you do to get your mom out of the house for her health and well being? Do those things for yourself. Prioritize you.
Get a gym membership and hire a personal trainer… so you have a place you have to go. you will end up feeling better, exhilarated.
don’t watch tv unless you do so from a treadmill.
Make a list of your favorite outings. Put them on small pieces of paper and draw them out and do them when you are having a bad day.
Rely on friends.
Remember thst having family doesn’t really look like those Rockwell paintings.
My family was all about $ and things when mom died. They didn’t care or hurt like I did and when I saw how they behaved, I lost some faith in humanity. don’t wish for siblings. They do not always translate as you wish they would.
Know you will feel better in time.
Also a huge hug.