
Her stepmom will very soon need to move her younger sister in so that she can take care of her. She’s wheelchair bound basically all the time and falls very often if she’s not in her chair. She must drag one of her legs when she walks now. This beautiful young lady is in her mid-20’s and has may tumors on her brain and spine and there’s really nothing that can be done. From the bottom of my heart, I’m asking as there anyone who’d be willing to help this lady out and donate a hospital bed to her so that she can easily take care of her daughter in home and keep her as comfortable as possible. I’ve known this young lady since she was very young, and she’s always called me her aunt cousin thingy as well as she’s my 19-year-old daughters honorary aunt. I am in tears as I write this for my heart is breaking. This young lady lost her Medicare and all when she got married a few years ago and her husband’s insurance doesn’t cover many different things. Please someone bless this young lady’s mother out and donate a hospital bed. God bless everyone and thank you for listening.

Join your local and post an urgent "ISO: Hospital bed"

This is a global forum so you need a local resource, not here. You don't even tell us what state and city she is in.

Also, I think you meant to say she lost her Medicaid, not Medicare.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

Yes, our members are from all over the US and other countries.

Call Redcross and see if they have a loan closet. In some States in rural areas, there's the Ruritans. Senior centers maybe able to help. Craigs Place and as said Nextdoor.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to JoAnn29
lealonnie1 Oct 3, 2024
Craigslist is the place to look
Insursnce typically covers hospice.
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Reply to PeggySue2020

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