
My dad has dementia, is unable to walk. He lives in his bed and/or his chair. He fell in July and had too much money in their savings account to qualify for Medi-Cal. So he was discharged from the hospital to a private pay RCFE (Residential Care Facility for the Elderly) in California and the care is great there. My parents have now spent all their small savings on his care and he now qualified for Medi-cal. I am being told he must be admitted to the hospital to get in the system to be moved to Medi-cal facility. If we move him home where my 81 year old mother lives, he needs so much care that she can not provide, that he will fall (he forgets he can not walk) and my mother will need to call 911 and then he will be in the system? This is all so very emotionally stressful for my mother. This is so confusing. My mother can not care for him and does not have enough money to pay for care givers. He will be evicted from private pay RCFE  12/15! Not sure what to do next.

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I think this is a question for an elderlaw attorney. They are EXPENSIVE but they should be able to tell you what would be the best course of action.

A while back, I asked my elderlaw attorney this question and she said it would be best to move my husband to a nursing home first and then apply for medicaid and for a facility. It is similar to what you have been told about moving your dad to a hospital first. But I think you should check with your lawyer.
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Ask the Social Worker where he currently is if they can help with this. It would be best if he can stay where he is now. Many facilities will keep a Medicaid patient or resident if they have been private pay for a particular period of time.
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Ask the facility where he is now what the discharge plan is. Let them know that he cannot go home with your mother and that you cannot take him to your home. Don’t let them bully you into taking him home where you and your mother are unable to properly care for him.
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California is difficult because there is a super long wait list for medi- cal accepting facilities. You can get online and there is a list of all NH that accept medi- cal. Then call each on until you find one with an opening. It's a long hard wait unless you have some kind of emergency which requires hospitalization. Then you have to refuse to pick him up and they will find a place for him- but they will continue to call and threaten you to come get him. They will make you feel like the worse daughter/ wife ever but you have to stand your ground.
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CindraH, I was told by the ED at my mom's ALF that if you used the verbiage stating it is not safe for your dad to return to his home, they cannot discharge. As the other responders have stated, the Social Worker at the facility is the one to assist with placement in another facility. Best of luck to you and your family.
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CindraH- I have the same issue with my sister (78.) With dementia, she forgets her medicines, refuses to shower/change clothes. She was recently in the hospital/rehab for 3 weeks and returned to Independent Living @ Assisted Living facility. But the 3 week break in her routine, plus anesthesia + surgery (knee) has left her confused and weak. The Medi-Cal facilities I have called only accept transfers from hospitals or their
own Assisted Living places. My sister has Medi-Cal but pays cash(SS check) for IL.
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We have had the opposite problem. We wanted to bring my mom straight home and were prepared to care for her. The doctors were pushing us to put her in a home. We stood our ground and brought her home. Good luck to you. None of this is easy.
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I had to fight not to go to rehab with the hospital refusing to send me home. I felt I was too sick for rehab and i still believe i was right. After the next hospitalization for my hip replacement I agreed to go and was back in the hospital four days later with an infection that needed further surgery. After that refused to go back to rehab.
It is true you do need a 3 day hospital stay to before you can be sent to rehab but I don't know what happens after you are discharged from rehab.
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Definitely ask an attorney who specializes in elder law.
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