
The hospital wants to send him to a nearby Nursing Home. But I absolutely do NOT want him in a Nursing Home, especially out of state with no relatives. How can I get him moved to either a Nursing Home, Rehab or to my home with Home Health upon discharge? He has Medicare Advantage Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Find Care & Housing
Speak to the Hospital case worker and find Out How Long It May take before he can travel - Could be a few weeks and then transfer him to a rehab near you or do in House rehab. You will have to find him a Primary care Doctor . My Dad was Ok after 4 days and I Brought him home and did In Home rehab and Brought him to a Doctor - Got Physical therapy 4 X a week . A CNA for bathing and we first Visited His Primary care doctor for cognition tests and a cane . it Can be done . Speak with a Primary care doctor - Do You have One and ask that they help you . They can retrieve His Hospital records from the Hospital he is In Now .
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Reply to KNance72

My mother spent 3 weeks in the hospital following a brain bleed hemorrhagic stroke. No possible way she could have traveled any distance, she was not stable enough for months, really ever again for anything more than short trips around her city. Assuming your father recovers to a great extent, and I hope he does, perhaps he will become able to travel. It may take a private medical transport service
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Daughterof1930

You can’t.

Why is a facility not an option?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to LoopyLoo

You are going to have to contact the Advantage BCBS plan rep to ask what is covered.
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Reply to Geaton777

This would never be done on insurance, only private pay.
And he will now need very careful monitoring.
Flights won't be possible until some time after his recover.

You cannot move someone this critically ill and unstable. This isn't the time for a question such as this. You should now travel to be with your Dad while critically ill. He is in no state to travel now.
Travel for an elder in ANY circumstance is very difficult.
When critically ill it is out of the question.
I wish your father well. I hope he gets better.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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