
From the moment he gets up to the time he goes to sleep this man whistles. It’s driving me “crazy” and I can tolerate everything else but his whistling. He also interrupts my conversations with my husband from time to time. How can my husband address these issues since I really don’t feel comfortable doing it. I’m not too close to my father-in-law and don’t know him well. From what I have observed in the last 3 months he’s lived with us he's kind of a loner and not very social. Keeps to himself in his own room.

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because he CAN ..

thats the thing about being 80 years old .
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He probably has been a whistler all his life and is not going to stop now. My son went to school with a boy who could whistle a tune after hearing it just once or twice. He was always whistling too. I am sure he still is.

He likely has been whistling the entire time you have known him, but now you are exposed to it 24/7 and it is a symbol of the provacy you have given up by having him come live with you.
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I have an elderly relative (by law) who constantly sings. I had a Christmas CD going in the background a few days ago and had to turn it off... she sings or hums along to it just loud enough to overpower the actual song and it annoys the hell out of me. Doesn’t even have dementia or anything!

Yes, she can carry a tune. So can I, but I don’t feel the need to show it off. She thinks she has a lovely voice and surely everyone is thrilled to hear it, like she’s so cute and fun! Her (grown) daughter is the same way and I think they fancy themselves as The Judds.
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JoAnn29 Dec 2019
I sing with my music. No I don't think I am a great singer but can carry a tune. I have sung since I was able to talk. No, not a constant thing and no not load. I sometimes do it without realizing it.
Oh dear. I fear I am your FIL :(

I hum or whistle almost constantly. Most times I don't even realize I'm doing it - it's just an unconscious habit now, like throat clearing or tapping toes might be for someone else.

Only recently, have I found a piece of the puzzle as to why it is so annoying for others: I am hearing the lyrics of the song in my head as I hum or whistle along . . . . but you just keep hearing the same tune over and over. For me, it's a whole song and chorus ;) For you -- just annoying noise.

Honestly, if he is like me, you probably can't stop it, so very sorry! Maybe some noise cancelling headphones for times when others are home and it's safe to tune him out? Or even cheap ear plugs to muffle it some when you have to be more aware?? I sure hope you find something to help!!
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If he has any cognitive decline he may not be aware of how much he's whistling. If you and hubby plan on caring for him long-term you will eventually long for the day when whistling was the worst thing he did. I would start researching AL facilities nearby and start having brief, calm conversations with your husband about your FIL being socially isolated in your home with not enough to stimulate him, like in a senior community.
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What does DH say? Is this something new? And why did you feel the need to take him in? I know a lot ofb80 yr olds that live on their own.

I agree with the stimulation part but their are people who are happy in their own company. Does FIL have a hearing problem? If so, this keeps people from socializing because they are not able to carry on conversations. Being around a lot of people its hard to know what is being said.
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Oh my gosh...this would be on the list of my worst nightmares. I could be sleeping and my kids hollering and running ..and the only thing that would wake me would be my daughter whistling. She does it all the time. Now my mil is visiting and she whistles too. Can’t stand it. Couldn’t imagine living with something with AL who does it. No advice...just know someone else in the world can’t stand the sound of whistling either.
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If whistling is your biggest concern, count your blessings!

My mom was a kindergarten teacher for 35 yrs, so she will hum nursery rhymes all day long. It soothes her. I suppose humming is better than whistling, so perhaps you could persuade your FIL to hum instead? Maybe if you hum whatever tune he's whistling, he will switch to humming. Worth a shot.
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